A Note is an implementation of PlaceableObject which represents an annotated location within the Scene. Each Note links to a JournalEntry document and represents its location on the map.

Hierarchy (view full)


controlIcon: ControlIcon

The control icon.

tooltip: PreciseText

The tooltip.

scene: Scene

Retain a reference to the Scene within which this Placeable Object resides

document: Document

A reference to the Scene embedded Document instance which this object represents

mouseInteractionManager: MouseInteractionManager

A mouse interaction manager instance which handles mouse workflows related to this object.

#original: PlaceableObject

The object that this object is a preview of if this object is a preview.

#lastQuadtreeBounds: Rectangle

The bounds that the placeable was added to the quadtree with.

#drawing: Promise<PlaceableObject> = ...

An internal reference to a Promise in-progress to draw the Placeable Object.

#drawn: boolean = false

Has this Placeable Object been drawn and is there no drawing in progress?

embeddedName: string = "Note"

Identify the official Document name for this PlaceableObject class

    redraw: {
        propagate: string[];
    refresh: {
        propagate: string[];
        alias: boolean;
    refreshState: {
        propagate: string[];
    refreshVisibility: {};
    refreshPosition: {};
    refreshTooltip: {};
    refreshElevation: {
        propagate: string[];
    refreshText: {
        propagate: string[];
        deprecated: {
            since: number;
            until: number;
        alias: boolean;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • redraw: {
        propagate: string[];
    • propagate: string[]
  • refresh: {
        propagate: string[];
        alias: boolean;
    • propagate: string[]
    • alias: boolean
  • refreshState: {
        propagate: string[];
    • propagate: string[]
  • refreshVisibility: {}
    • refreshPosition: {}
      • refreshTooltip: {}
        • refreshElevation: {
              propagate: string[];
          • propagate: string[]
        • refreshText: {
              propagate: string[];
              deprecated: {
                  since: number;
                  until: number;
              alias: boolean;


          since v12

          • propagate: string[]
          • deprecated: {
                since: number;
                until: number;
            • since: number
            • until: number
          • alias: boolean


        • get bounds(): Rectangle
        • Returns Rectangle

        • get page(): any
        • The specific JournalEntryPage within the associated JournalEntry referenced by this Note.

          Returns any

        • get isVisible(): boolean
        • Determine whether the Note is visible to the current user based on their perspective of the Scene. Visibility depends on permission to the underlying journal entry, as well as the perspective of controlled Tokens. If Token Vision is required, the user must have a token with vision over the note to see it.

          Returns boolean

        • get _original(): PlaceableObject
        • The object that this object is a preview of if this object is a preview.

          Returns PlaceableObject

        • get isOwner(): boolean
        • A convenient reference for whether the current User has full control over the document.

          Returns boolean

        • get interactionState(): {
              NONE: number;
              HOVER: number;
              CLICKED: number;
              GRABBED: number;
              DRAG: number;
              DROP: number;
        • The mouse interaction state of this placeable.

          Returns {
              NONE: number;
              HOVER: number;
              CLICKED: number;
              GRABBED: number;
              DRAG: number;
              DROP: number;

          • NONE: number
          • HOVER: number
          • CLICKED: number
          • GRABBED: number
          • DRAG: number
          • DROP: number
        • get center(): Point
        • The central coordinate pair of the placeable object based on it's own width and height

          Returns Point

        • get id(): string
        • The id of the corresponding Document which this PlaceableObject represents.

          Returns string

        • get objectId(): string
        • A unique identifier which is used to uniquely identify elements on the canvas related to this object.

          Returns string

        • get sourceId(): string
        • The named identified for the source object associated with this PlaceableObject. This differs from the objectId because the sourceId is the same for preview objects as for the original.

          Returns string

        • get isPreview(): boolean
        • Is this placeable object a temporary preview?

          Returns boolean

        • get hasPreview(): boolean
        • Does there exist a temporary preview of this placeable object?

          Returns boolean

        • get layer(): PlaceablesLayer
        • Provide a reference to the CanvasLayer which contains this PlaceableObject.

          Returns PlaceablesLayer

        • get sheet(): FormApplication
        • A Form Application which is used to configure the properties of this Placeable Object or the Document it represents.

          Returns FormApplication

        • get controlled(): boolean
        • An indicator for whether the object is currently controlled

          Returns boolean

        • get hover(): boolean
        • An indicator for whether the object is currently a hover target

          Returns boolean

        • get hasActiveHUD(): boolean
        • Is the HUD display active for this Placeable?

          Returns boolean


        • Parameters

          • options: any

          Returns Promise<void>

        • Define additional steps taken when an existing placeable object of this type is updated with new data


          • changed: any
          • options: any
          • userId: any

          Returns void

        • Callback actions which occur on a double left-click event to activate


          • event: any

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns Application



        • Get the snapped position for a given position or the current position.


          • Optional position: Point

            The position to be used instead of the current position

          Returns Point

          The snapped position

        • Draw the placeable object into its parent container


          • Optional options: object = {}

            Options which may modify the draw and refresh workflow

          Returns Promise<PlaceableObject>

          The drawn object

        • Refresh all incremental render flags for the PlaceableObject. This method is no longer used by the core software but provided for backwards compatibility.


          • Optional options: object = {}

            Options which may modify the refresh workflow

          Returns PlaceableObject

          The refreshed object

        • Assume control over a PlaceableObject, flagging it as controlled and enabling downstream behaviors


          • options: {
                releaseOthers: boolean;
            } = {}

            Additional options which modify the control request

            • releaseOthers: boolean

              Release any other controlled objects first

          Returns boolean

          A flag denoting whether control was successful

        • Release control over a PlaceableObject, removing it from the controlled set


          • options: object = {}

            Options which modify the releasing workflow

          Returns boolean

          A Boolean flag confirming the object was released.

        • Clone the placeable object, returning a new object with identical attributes. The returned object is non-interactive, and has no assigned ID. If you plan to use it permanently you should call the create method.

          Returns PlaceableObject

          A new object with identical data

        • Rotate the PlaceableObject to a certain angle of facing


          • angle: number

            The desired angle of rotation

          • snap: number

            Snap the angle of rotation to a certain target degree increment

          Returns Promise<PlaceableObject>

          The rotated object

        • Internal

          Determine a new angle of rotation for a PlaceableObject either from an explicit angle or from a delta offset.


          • options: {
                angle: number;
                delta: number;
                snap: number;
            } = {}

            An object which defines the rotation update parameters

            • angle: number

              An explicit angle, either this or delta must be provided

            • delta: number

              A relative angle delta, either this or the angle must be provided

            • snap: number

              A precision (in degrees) to which the resulting angle should snap. Default is 0.

          Returns number

          The new rotation angle for the object

        • Internal

          Obtain a shifted position for the Placeable Object


          • dx: -1 | 0 | 1

            The number of grid units to shift along the X-axis

          • dy: -1 | 0 | 1

            The number of grid units to shift along the Y-axis

          Returns Point

          The shifted target coordinates

        • Test whether a user can perform a certain interaction regarding a Placeable Object


          • user: User

            The User performing the action

          • action: string

            The named action being attempted

          Returns boolean

          Does the User have rights to perform the action?

        • Perform the database updates that should occur as the result of a drag-left-drop operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns object[]

          An array of database updates to perform for documents in this collection

        • Protected

          Refresh the tooltip.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Define a PIXI TextStyle object which is used for the tooltip displayed for this Note

          Returns TextStyle

        • Protected

          Refresh the visibility.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Refresh the state of the Note. Called the Note enters a different interaction state.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Refresh the position of the Note. Called with the coordinates change.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Refresh the elevation of the control icon.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          The inner _destroy method which may optionally be defined by each PlaceableObject subclass.


          • Optional options: object

            Options passed to the initial destroy call

          Returns void

        • Protected Internal

          Is this PlaceableObject within the selection rectangle?


          • rectangle: Rectangle

            The selection rectangle

          Returns any

        • Protected

          Get the target opacity that should be used for a Placeable Object depending on its preview state.

          Returns number

        • Protected

          Register pending canvas operations which should occur after a new PlaceableObject of this type is created


          • data: object
          • options: object
          • userId: string

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Define additional steps taken when an existing placeable object of this type is deleted


          • options: object
          • userId: string

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Additional events which trigger once control of the object is established


          • options: Object

            Optional parameters which apply for specific implementations

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Additional events which trigger once control of the object is released


          • options: object

            Options which modify the releasing workflow

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Can the User access the HUD for this Placeable Object?


          • user: User

            The User performing the action.

          • event: object

            The event object.

          Returns boolean

          The returned status.

        • Protected

          Does the User have permission to control the Placeable Object?


          • user: User

            The User performing the action.

          • event: object

            The event object.

          Returns boolean

          The returned status.

        • Protected

          Does the User have permission to create the underlying Document?


          • user: User

            The User performing the action.

          • event: object

            The event object.

          Returns boolean

          The returned status.

        • Protected

          Does the User have permission to drag this Placeable Object?


          • user: User

            The User performing the action.

          • event: object

            The event object.

          Returns boolean

          The returned status.

        • Protected

          Does the User have permission to left-click drag this Placeable Object?


          • user: User

            The User performing the action.

          • event: object

            The event object.

          Returns boolean

          The returned status.

        • Protected

          Does the User have permission to update the underlying Document?


          • user: User

            The User performing the action.

          • event: object

            The event object.

          Returns boolean

          The returned status.

        • Protected

          Does the User have permission to delete the underlying Document?


          • user: User

            The User performing the action.

          • event: object

            The event object.

          Returns boolean

          The returned status.

        • Protected

          Actions that should be taken for this Placeable Object when a mouseover event occurs. Hover events on PlaceableObject instances allow event propagation by default.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          • options: {
                hoverOutOthers: boolean;
            } = {}

            Options which customize event handling

            • hoverOutOthers: boolean

              Trigger hover-out behavior on sibling objects

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Actions that should be taken for this Placeable Object when a mouseout event occurs


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Should the placeable propagate left click downstream?


          • event: FederatedEvent

          Returns boolean

        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a single left-click event to assume control of the object


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a single left-unclick event to assume control of the object


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Should the placeable propagate right click downstream?


          • event: FederatedEvent

          Returns boolean

        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a single right-click event to configure properties of the object


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a single right-unclick event


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a double right-click event to configure properties of the object


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur when a mouse-drag action is first begun.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Begin a drag operation from the perspective of the preview clone. Modify the appearance of both the clone (this) and the original (_original) object.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Conclude a drag operation from the perspective of the preview clone. Modify the appearance of both the clone (this) and the original (_original) object.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a mouse-move operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a mouse-move operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns boolean



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a mouse-move operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering mouse click event

          Returns void



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a right mouse-drag operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering mouse click event

          Returns any



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a right mouse-drag operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns any



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a right mouse-drag operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          Returns Promise<any>



        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur on a right mouse-drag operation.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering mouse click event

          Returns any



        • Protected

          Callback action which occurs on a long press.


          • event: FederatedEvent

            The triggering canvas interaction event

          • origin: Point

            The local canvas coordinates of the mousepress.

          Returns any



        • Perform database updates using the result of a drag-left-drop operation.


          • updates: object[]

            The database updates for documents in this collection

          Returns Promise<void>