Tour configuration data

interface TourConfig {
    namespace: string;
    id: string;
    title: string;
    steps: TourStep[];
    description: string;
    localization: any;
    restricted: boolean;
    display: boolean;
    canBeResumed: boolean;
    suggestedNextTours: string[];


namespace: string

The namespace this Tour belongs to. Typically, the name of the package which implements the tour should be used

id: string

A machine-friendly id of the Tour, must be unique within the provided namespace

title: string

A human-readable name for this Tour. Localized.

steps: TourStep[]

The list of Tour Steps

description: string

A human-readable description of this Tour. Localized.

localization: any

A map of localizations for the Tour that should be merged into the default localizations

restricted: boolean

Whether the Tour is restricted to the GM only. Defaults to false.

display: boolean

Whether the Tour should be displayed in the Manage Tours UI. Defaults to false.

canBeResumed: boolean

Whether the Tour can be resumed or if it always needs to start from the beginning. Defaults to false.

suggestedNextTours: string[]

A list of namespaced Tours that might be suggested to the user when this Tour is completed. The first non-completed Tour in the array will be recommended.