A specialized point data structure used to represent vertices in the context of the ClockwiseSweepPolygon. This class is not designed or intended for use outside of that context.




edges: EdgeSet = ...

The set of edges which connect to this vertex. This set is initially empty and populated later after vertices are de-duplicated.

cwEdges: EdgeSet = ...

The subset of edges which continue clockwise from this vertex.

ccwEdges: EdgeSet = ...

The subset of edges which continue counter-clockwise from this vertex.

collinearVertices: Set<PolygonVertex> = ...

The set of vertices collinear to this vertex

isEndpoint: boolean

Is this vertex an endpoint of one or more edges?

isLimitingCCW: boolean

Does this vertex have a single counterclockwise limiting edge?

isLimitingCW: boolean

Does this vertex have a single clockwise limiting edge?

isBlockingCCW: boolean

Does this vertex have non-limited edges or 2+ limited edges counterclockwise?

isBlockingCW: boolean

Does this vertex have non-limited edges or 2+ limited edges clockwise?

isInternal: boolean = false

Does this vertex result from an internal collision?

restriction: number = 0

The maximum restriction imposed by this vertex.

_visited: boolean = false

Record whether this PolygonVertex has been visited in the sweep

#MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: number = ...

The effective maximum texture size that Foundry VTT "ever" has to worry about.


  • get isLimited(): boolean
  • Is this vertex limited in type?

    Returns boolean


  • Associate an edge with this vertex.


    • edge: Edge

      The edge being attached

    • orientation: number

      The orientation of the edge with respect to the origin

    • type: string

      The restriction type of polygon being created

    Returns void

  • Is this vertex the same point as some other vertex?


    Returns boolean

    Are they the same point?

  • Update flags for whether this vertex is limiting or blocking in certain direction.


    • type: string

    Returns void

  • Determine the sort key to use for this vertex, arranging points from north-west to south-east.


    • x: number

      The x-coordinate

    • y: number

      The y-coordinate

    Returns number

    The key used to identify the vertex

  • Construct a PolygonVertex instance from some other Point structure.


    • point: Point

      The point

    • Optional options: object

      Additional options that apply to this vertex

    Returns PolygonVertex

    The constructed vertex