A tour for demonstrating an aspect of Canvas functionality. Automatically activates a certain canvas layer or tool depending on the needs of the step.

Hierarchy (view full)


config: TourConfig

Configuration of the tour. This object is cloned to avoid mutating the original configuration.

targetElement: HTMLElement

The HTMLElement which is the focus of the current tour step.

fadeElement: HTMLElement

The HTMLElement that fades out the rest of the screen

overlayElement: any

The HTMLElement that blocks input while a Tour is active

    UNSTARTED: string;
    IN_PROGRESS: string;
    COMPLETED: string;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • UNSTARTED: string
  • IN_PROGRESS: string
  • COMPLETED: string

Padding around a Highlighted Element


  • get canStart(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get id(): string
  • The unique identifier of the tour.

    Returns string

  • get title(): string
  • The human-readable title for the tour.

    Returns string

  • get description(): string
  • The human-readable description of the tour.

    Returns string

  • get namespace(): string
  • The package namespace for the tour.

    Returns string

  • get key(): string
  • The key the Tour is stored under in game.tours, of the form ${namespace}.${id}

    Returns string

  • get steps(): TourStep[]
  • The configuration of tour steps

    Returns TourStep[]

  • get currentStep(): TourStep
  • Return the current Step, or null if the tour has not yet started.

    Returns TourStep

  • get stepIndex(): number
  • The index of the current step; -1 if the tour has not yet started, or null if the tour is finished.

    Returns number

  • get hasNext(): boolean
  • Returns True if there is a next TourStep

    Returns boolean

  • get hasPrevious(): boolean
  • Returns True if there is a previous TourStep

    Returns boolean

  • get status(): string
  • The current status of the Tour

    Returns string

  • get tourInProgress(): boolean
  • Indicates if a Tour is currently in progress.

    Returns boolean

  • get activeTour(): Tour
  • Returns the active Tour, if any

    Returns Tour


  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns Promise<void>

  • Advance the tour to a completed state.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Exit the tour at the current step.

    Returns void

  • Reset the Tour to an un-started state.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Progress the Tour to the next step.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Rewind the Tour to the previous step.

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Progresses to a given Step


    • stepIndex: number

      The step to progress to

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Internal

    Reloads the Tour's current step from the saved progress

    Returns void

  • Protected

    Query the DOM for the target element using the provided selector


    • selector: string

      A CSS selector

    Returns Element

    The target element, or null if not found

  • Protected

    Clean-up operations performed after a step is completed.

    Returns Promise<void>


  • Protected

    Renders the current Step of the Tour

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Activate a canvas layer and control for each step

    Returns void

  • Handle a movement action to either progress or regress the Tour.


    • movementDirections: string[]

      The Directions being moved in

    Returns boolean

  • Creates and returns a Tour by loading a JSON file


    • filepath: string

      The path to the JSON file

    Returns Promise<Tour>