interface TokenData {
    _id: string;
    name: string;
    displayName: number;
    actorId: string;
    actorLink: boolean;
    delta: BaseActorDelta;
    texture: TextureData;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    x: number;
    y: number;
    elevation: number;
    locked: boolean;
    lockRotation: boolean;
    rotation: number;
    alpha: number;
    hidden: boolean;
    disposition: number;
    displayBars: number;
    bar1: TokenBarData;
    bar2: TokenBarData;
    light: LightData;
    sight: TokenSightData;
    detectionModes: TokenDetectionMode[];
    flags: object;


_id: string

The Token _id which uniquely identifies it within its parent Scene

name: string

The name used to describe the Token

displayName: number

The display mode of the Token nameplate, from CONST.TOKEN_DISPLAY_MODES

actorId: string

The _id of an Actor document which this Token represents

actorLink: boolean

Does this Token uniquely represent a singular Actor, or is it one of many?

delta: BaseActorDelta

The ActorDelta embedded document which stores the differences between this token and the base actor it represents.

texture: TextureData

The token's texture on the canvas.

width: number

The width of the Token in grid units

height: number

The height of the Token in grid units

x: number

The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the Token

y: number

The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the Token

elevation: number

The vertical elevation of the Token, in distance units

locked: boolean

Is the Token currently locked? A locked token cannot be moved or rotated via standard keyboard or mouse interaction.

lockRotation: boolean

Prevent the Token image from visually rotating?

rotation: number

The rotation of the Token in degrees, from 0 to 360. A value of 0 represents a southward-facing Token.

alpha: number

The opacity of the token image

hidden: boolean

Is the Token currently hidden from player view?

disposition: number

A displayed Token disposition from CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS

displayBars: number

The display mode of Token resource bars, from CONST.TOKEN_DISPLAY_MODES

The configuration of the Token's primary resource bar

The configuration of the Token's secondary resource bar

light: LightData

Configuration of the light source that this Token emits

Configuration of sight and vision properties for the Token

detectionModes: TokenDetectionMode[]

An array of detection modes which are available to this Token

flags: object

An object of optional key/value flags