interface ActiveEffectData {
    _id: string;
    name: string;
    img: string;
    changes: EffectChangeData[];
    disabled: boolean;
    duration: EffectDurationData;
    description: string;
    origin: string;
    tint: string;
    transfer: boolean;
    statuses: Set<string>;
    flags: object;


_id: string

The _id that uniquely identifies the ActiveEffect within its parent collection

name: string

The name of the which describes the name of the ActiveEffect

img: string

An image path used to depict the ActiveEffect as an icon

changes: EffectChangeData[]

The array of EffectChangeData objects which the ActiveEffect applies

disabled: boolean

Is this ActiveEffect currently disabled?

An EffectDurationData object which describes the duration of the ActiveEffect

description: string

The HTML text description for this ActiveEffect document.

origin: string

A UUID reference to the document from which this ActiveEffect originated

tint: string

A color string which applies a tint to the ActiveEffect icon

transfer: boolean

Does this ActiveEffect automatically transfer from an Item to an Actor?

statuses: Set<string>

Special status IDs that pertain to this effect

flags: object

An object of optional key/value flags