interface HandlebarsTemplatePart {
    template: string;
    id: string;
    classes: string[];
    templates: string[];
    scrollable: string[];
    forms: Record<string, ApplicationFormConfiguration>;


template: string

The template entry-point for the part

id: string

A CSS id to assign to the top-level element of the rendered part. This id string is automatically prefixed by the application id.

classes: string[]

An array of CSS classes to apply to the top-level element of the rendered part.

templates: string[]

An array of templates that are required to render the part. If omitted, only the entry-point is inferred as required.

scrollable: string[]

An array of selectors within this part whose scroll positions should be persisted during a re-render operation. A blank string is used to denote that the root level of the part is scrollable.

forms: Record<string, ApplicationFormConfiguration>

A registry of forms selectors and submission handlers.