interface DatabaseCreateOperation {
    broadcast: boolean;
    data: object[];
    keepId: boolean;
    keepEmbeddedIds: boolean;
    modifiedTime: number;
    noHook: boolean;
    render: boolean;
    renderSheet: boolean;
    parent: any;
    pack: string;
    parentUuid: string;
    _result: (string | object)[];


broadcast: boolean

Whether the database operation is broadcast to other connected clients

data: object[]

An array of data objects from which to create Documents

keepId: boolean

Retain the _id values of provided data instead of generating new ids

keepEmbeddedIds: boolean

Retain the _id values of embedded document data instead of generating new ids for each embedded document

modifiedTime: number

The timestamp when the operation was performed

noHook: boolean

Block the dispatch of hooks related to this operation

render: boolean

Re-render Applications whose display depends on the created Documents

renderSheet: boolean

Render the sheet Application for any created Documents

parent: any

A parent Document within which Documents are embedded

pack: string

A compendium collection ID which contains the Documents

parentUuid: string

A parent Document UUID provided when the parent instance is unavailable

_result: (string | object)[]

An alias for 'data' used internally by the server-side backend