interface CombatData {
    _id: string;
    scene: string;
    combatants: Collection<BaseCombatant>;
    active: boolean;
    round: number;
    turn: number;
    sort: number;
    flags: object;
    _stats: DocumentStats;


_id: string

The _id which uniquely identifies this Combat document

scene: string

The _id of a Scene within which this Combat occurs

combatants: Collection<BaseCombatant>

A Collection of Combatant embedded Documents

active: boolean

Is the Combat encounter currently active?

round: number

The current round of the Combat encounter

turn: number

The current turn in the Combat round

sort: number

The current sort order of this Combat relative to others in the same Scene

flags: object

An object of optional key/value flags

_stats: DocumentStats

An object of creation and access information