The Camera UI View that displays all the camera feeds as individual video elements.

Param: webrtc

The WebRTC Implementation to display

Param: options

Application configuration options.

Hierarchy (view full)


options: any

The options provided to this application upon initialization

_element: jQuery

An internal reference to the HTML element this application renders

position: any

Track the current position and dimensions of the Application UI

_dragDrop: DragDrop[]

DragDrop workflow handlers which are active for this Application

_tabs: Tabs[]

Tab navigation handlers which are active for this Application

_searchFilters: SearchFilter[]

SearchFilter handlers which are active for this Application

_minimized: boolean

Track whether the Application is currently minimized

_scrollPositions: any

Track the most recent scroll positions for any vertically scrolling containers

appId: number

The application ID is a unique incrementing integer which is used to identify every application window drawn by the VTT

_state: number

The current render state of the Application


_priorState: number

The prior render state of this Application. This allows for rendering logic to understand if the application is being rendered for the first time.


    ERROR: -3;
    CLOSING: -2;
    CLOSED: -1;
    NONE: 0;
    RENDERED: 2;
}> = ...

The sequence of rendering states that track the Application life-cycle.

Type declaration

  • ERROR: -3
  • CLOSING: -2
  • CLOSED: -1
  • NONE: 0


  • get webrtc(): AVMaster
  • A reference to the master AV orchestrator instance

    Returns AVMaster

  • get hidden(): boolean
  • If all camera views are popped out, hide the dock.

    Returns boolean

  • get id(): string
  • Return the CSS application ID which uniquely references this UI element

    Returns string

  • get element(): jQuery
  • Return the active application element, if it currently exists in the DOM

    Returns jQuery

  • get template(): string
  • The path to the HTML template file which should be used to render the inner content of the app

    Returns string

  • get popOut(): boolean
  • Control the rendering style of the application. If popOut is true, the application is rendered in its own wrapper window, otherwise only the inner app content is rendered

    Returns boolean

  • get rendered(): boolean
  • Return a flag for whether the Application instance is currently rendered

    Returns boolean

  • get closing(): boolean
  • Whether the Application is currently closing.

    Returns boolean

  • get title(): string
  • An Application window should define its own title definition logic which may be dynamic depending on its data

    Returns string

  • get defaultOptions(): any
  • Returns any


  • Obtain a reference to the which is used to portray a given Foundry User.


    • userId: string

      The ID of the User document

    Returns HTMLElement

  • Obtain a reference to the video.user-camera which displays the video channel for a requested Foundry User. If the user is not broadcasting video this will return null.


    • userId: string

      The ID of the User document

    Returns HTMLVideoElement

  • Sets whether a user is currently speaking or not


    • userId: string

      The ID of the user

    • speaking: boolean

      Whether the user is speaking

    Returns void

  • Extend the render logic to first check whether a render is necessary based on the context If a specific context was provided, make sure an update to the navigation is necessary before rendering


    • force: any
    • context: {} = {}

      Returns any

    • Parameters

      • force: boolean = false
      • options: {} = {}

        Returns Promise<void>

      • Set the application position and store its new location. Returns the updated position object for the application containing the new values.


        • __namedParameters: {
              left: any;
              top: any;
              width: any;
              scale: any;
          } = {}

          Positional data

          • left: any
          • top: any
          • width: any
          • scale: any

        Returns void | {
            left: number;
            top: number;
            width: number;
            height: number;
            scale: number;

      • Parameters

        • options: {} = {}

          Returns {
              self: User;
              muteAll: any;
              borderColors: any;
              dockClass: string;
              hidden: boolean;
              users: any[];
              nameplates: {
                  cssClass: any;
                  playerName: boolean;
                  charname: boolean;

          • self: User
          • muteAll: any
          • borderColors: any
          • dockClass: string
          • hidden: boolean
          • users: any[]
          • nameplates: {
                cssClass: any;
                playerName: boolean;
                charname: boolean;
            • cssClass: any
            • playerName: boolean
            • charname: boolean
        • Change the currently active tab


          • tabName: string

            The target tab name to switch to

          • options: {
                group: string;
                triggerCallback: boolean;
            } = {}

            Options which configure changing the tab

            • group: string

              A specific named tab group, useful if multiple sets of tabs are present

            • triggerCallback: boolean

              Whether to trigger tab-change callback functions

          Returns void

        • Bring the application to the top of the rendering stack

          Returns void

        • Close the application and un-register references to it within UI mappings This function returns a Promise which resolves once the window closing animation concludes


          • Optional options: any = {}

            Options which affect how the Application is closed

          Returns Promise<void>

          A Promise which resolves once the application is closed



        • Minimize the pop-out window, collapsing it to a small tab Take no action for applications which are not of the pop-out variety or apps which are already minimized

          Returns Promise<void>

          A Promise which resolves once the minimization action has completed

        • Maximize the pop-out window, expanding it to its original size Take no action for applications which are not of the pop-out variety or are already maximized

          Returns Promise<void>

          A Promise which resolves once the maximization action has completed

        • Protected

          Dynamically refresh the state of a single camera view


          • userId: string

            The ID of the user whose view we want to refresh.

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Get the icon class that should be used for various action buttons with different toggled states. The returned icon should represent the visual status of the NEXT state (not the CURRENT state).


          • action: string

            The named av-control button action

          • state: boolean

            The CURRENT action state.

          Returns string

          The icon that represents the NEXT action state.

        • Protected

          Get the text title that should be used for various action buttons with different toggled states. The returned title should represent the tooltip of the NEXT state (not the CURRENT state).


          • action: string

            The named av-control button action

          • state: boolean

            The CURRENT action state.

          Returns string

          The icon that represents the NEXT action state.

        • Protected Internal

          Call all hooks for all applications in the inheritance chain.


          • hookName: string | ((className) => string)

            The hook being triggered, which formatted with the Application class name

          • Rest ...hookArgs: any[]

            The arguments passed to the hook calls

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Persist the scroll positions of containers within the app before re-rendering the content


          • html: jQuery

            The HTML object being traversed

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Restore the scroll positions of containers within the app after re-rendering the content


          • html: jQuery

            The HTML object being traversed

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Render the outer application wrapper

          Returns Promise<jQuery>

          A promise resolving to the constructed jQuery object

        • Protected

          Specify the set of config buttons which should appear in the Application header. Buttons should be returned as an Array of objects. The header buttons which are added to the application can be modified by the getApplicationHeaderButtons hook.

          Returns ApplicationHeaderButton[]



        • Protected

          Activate required listeners which must be enabled on every Application. These are internal interactions which should not be overridden by downstream subclasses.


          • html: jQuery

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Handle changes to the active tab in a configured Tabs controller


          • event: MouseEvent

            A left click event

          • tabs: Tabs

            The Tabs controller

          • active: string

            The new active tab name

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Handle changes to search filtering controllers which are bound to the Application


          • event: KeyboardEvent

            The key-up event from keyboard input

          • query: string

            The raw string input to the search field

          • rgx: RegExp

            The regular expression to test against

          • html: HTMLElement

            The HTML element which should be filtered

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Define whether a user is able to begin a dragstart workflow for a given drag selector


          • selector: string

            The candidate HTML selector for dragging

          Returns boolean

          Can the current user drag this selector?

        • Protected

          Define whether a user is able to conclude a drag-and-drop workflow for a given drop selector


          • selector: string

            The candidate HTML selector for the drop target

          Returns boolean

          Can the current user drop on this selector?

        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur at the beginning of a drag start workflow.


          • event: DragEvent

            The originating DragEvent

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is over a drop target.


          • event: DragEvent

            The originating DragEvent

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is dropped on a target.


          • event: DragEvent

            The originating DragEvent

          Returns void

        • Protected

          Wait for any images present in the Application to load.

          Returns Promise<void>

          A Promise that resolves when all images have loaded.

        • Private

          Prepare rendering data for a single user


          • userId: any
          • settings: any

          Returns {
              user: Document;
              settings: any;
              local: any;
              charname: any;
              volume: number;
              cameraViewClass: any;

          • user: Document
          • settings: any
          • local: any
          • charname: any
          • volume: number
          • cameraViewClass: any
        • Private

          Change volume control for a stream


          • event: Event

            The originating change event from interaction with the range input

          Returns void

        • Private

          Render changes needed to the PlayerList ui. Show/Hide players depending on option.

          Returns void

        • Private

          Show or hide UI control elements This replaces the use of as it simply adds a class which has display:none which allows us to have elements with display:flex which can be hidden then shown without breaking their display style. This will show/hide the toggle buttons, volume controls and overlay sidebars


          • container: jQuery

            The container for which to show/hide control elements

          • show: boolean

            Whether to show or hide the controls

          • selector: string

            Override selector to specify which controls to show or hide

          Returns void

        • Private

          A custom sorting function that orders/arranges the user display frames


          • a: any
          • b: any

          Returns number


        • Private

          On hover in a camera container, show/hide the controls. event The original mouseover or mouseout hover event


          • event: any

          Returns void

        • Private

          On clicking on a toggle, disable/enable the audio or video stream. event The originating click event


          • event: any

          Returns Promise<any>