• A hook event that fires when Cards are passed from one stack to another. passCards


    • origin: Cards

      The origin Cards document

    • destination: Cards

      The destination Cards document

    • context: {
          action: string;
          toCreate: object[];
          toUpdate: object[];
          fromUpdate: object[];
          fromDelete: object[];

      Additional context which describes the operation

      • action: string

        The action name being performed, i.e. "pass", "play", "discard", "draw"

      • toCreate: object[]

        Card creation operations to be performed in the destination Cards document

      • toUpdate: object[]

        Card update operations to be performed in the destination Cards document

      • fromUpdate: object[]

        Card update operations to be performed in the origin Cards document

      • fromDelete: object[]

        Card deletion operations to be performed in the origin Cards document

    Returns void