interface ApplicationWindowConfiguration {
    frame: boolean;
    positioned: boolean;
    title: string;
    icon: string | false;
    controls: ApplicationHeaderControlsEntry[];
    minimizable: boolean;
    resizable: boolean;
    contentTag: string;
    contentClasses: string[];


frame: boolean

Is this Application rendered inside a window frame?

positioned: boolean

Can this Application be positioned via JavaScript or only by CSS

title: string

The window title. Displayed only if the application is framed

icon: string | false

An optional Font Awesome icon class displayed left of the window title

An array of window control entries

minimizable: boolean

Can the window app be minimized by double-clicking on the title

resizable: boolean

Is this window resizable?

contentTag: string

A specific tag name to use for the .window-content element

contentClasses: string[]

Additional CSS classes to apply to the .window-content element