An extension of the native FormData implementation.

This class functions the same way that the default FormData does, but it is more opinionated about how input fields of certain types should be evaluated and handled.

It also adds support for certain Foundry VTT specific concepts including: Support for defined data types and type conversion Support for TinyMCE editors Support for editable HTML elements

Param: form

The form being processed

Param: options

Options which configure form processing

Param: options.editors

A record of TinyMCE editor metadata objects, indexed by their update key

Param: options.dtypes

A mapping of data types for form fields

Param: options.disabled

Include disabled fields?

Param: options.readonly

Include readonly fields?


  • FormData
    • FormDataExtended


dtypes: {
    string: any;

A mapping of data types requested for each form field.

Type declaration

  • string: any
editors: Record<string, any>

A record of TinyMCE editors which are linked to this form.


  • Process the HTML form element to populate the FormData instance.


    • form: HTMLFormElement

      The HTML form being processed

    • options: any

      Options forwarded from the constructor

    Returns void

  • Assign a value to the FormData instance which always contains JSON strings. Also assign the cast value in its preferred data type to the parsed object representation of the form data.


    • name: string

      The field name

    • value: any

      The raw extracted value from the field

    Returns void

    Inherit Doc

  • Append values to the form data, adding them to an array.


    • name: string

      The field name to append to the form

    • value: any

      The value to append to the form data

    Returns void

    Inherit Doc

  • Private

    Process all standard HTML form field elements from the form.


    • form: HTMLFormElement

      The form being processed

    • options: {
          disabled: boolean;
          readonly: boolean;
      } = {}

      Options forwarded from the constructor

      • disabled: boolean

        Process disabled fields?

      • readonly: boolean

        Process readonly fields?

    Returns void

  • Private

    Process editable HTML elements (ones with a [data-edit] attribute).


    • form: HTMLFormElement

      The form being processed

    • options: {
          disabled: boolean;
          readonly: boolean;
      } = {}

      Options forwarded from the constructor

      • disabled: boolean

        Process disabled fields?

      • readonly: boolean

        Process readonly fields?

    Returns void

  • Private

    Process TinyMCE editor instances which are present in the form.

    Returns void

  • Private

    Obtain the parsed value of a field conditional on its element type and requested data type.


    • name: string

      The field name being processed

    • field: HTMLElement | RadioNodeList

      The HTML field or a RadioNodeList of multiple fields

    Returns any

    The processed field value

  • Private

    Cast a processed value to a desired data type.


    • value: any

      The raw field value

    • dataType: string

      The desired data type

    Returns any

    The resulting data type