interface TokenSightData {
    enabled: boolean;
    range: number;
    angle: number;
    visionMode: string;
    color: string;
    attenuation: number;
    brightness: number;
    saturation: number;
    contrast: number;


enabled: boolean

Should vision computation and rendering be active for this Token?

range: number

How far in distance units the Token can see without the aid of a light source. If null, the sight range is unlimited.

angle: number

An angle at which the Token can see relative to their direction of facing

visionMode: string

The vision mode which is used to render the appearance of the visible area

color: string

A special color which applies a hue to the visible area

attenuation: number

A degree of attenuation which gradually fades the edges of the visible area

brightness: number

An advanced customization for the perceived brightness of the visible area

saturation: number

An advanced customization of color saturation within the visible area

contrast: number

An advanced customization for contrast within the visible area