interface CombatantData {
    _id: string;
    actorId: string;
    tokenId: string;
    name: string;
    img: string;
    initiative: number;
    hidden: boolean;
    defeated: boolean;
    flags: object;


_id: string

The _id which uniquely identifies this Combatant embedded document

actorId: string

The _id of an Actor associated with this Combatant

tokenId: string

The _id of a Token associated with this Combatant

name: string

A customized name which replaces the name of the Token in the tracker

img: string

A customized image which replaces the Token image in the tracker

initiative: number

The initiative score for the Combatant which determines its turn order

hidden: boolean

Is this Combatant currently hidden?

defeated: boolean

Has this Combatant been defeated?

flags: object

An object of optional key/value flags