The FogExploration document which applies to this canvas view
_updatedTrack whether we have pending fog updates which have not yet been saved to the database
#initializedA status flag for whether the layer initialization workflow has succeeded
#refreshThe fog refresh count. If > to the refresh threshold, the fog texture is saved to database. It is then reinitialized to 0.
#renderMatrix used for fog rendering transformation.
#debouncedA debounced function to save fog of war exploration once a continuous stream of updates has concluded.
#queueHandling of the concurrency for fog loading, saving and reset.
COMMIT_Define the number of fog refresh needed before the fog texture is extracted and pushed to the server.
Texture extractor
The exploration SpriteMesh which holds the fog exploration texture.
The configured options used for the saved fog-of-war texture.
Does the currently viewed Scene support Token field of vision?
Does the currently viewed Scene support fog of war exploration?
A fog of war management class which is the singleton canvas.fog instance.