interface FormGroupConfig {
    label: string;
    units: string;
    input: HTMLElement | HTMLCollection;
    hint: string;
    rootId: string;
    classes: string[];
    stacked: boolean;
    localize: boolean;
    widget: CustomFormGroup;


label: string

A text label to apply to the form group

units: string

An optional units string which is appended to the label

input: HTMLElement | HTMLCollection

An HTML element or collection of elements which provide the inputs for the group

hint: string

Hint text displayed as part of the form group

rootId: string

Some parent CSS id within which field names are unique. If provided, this root ID is used to automatically assign "id" attributes to input elements and "for" attributes to corresponding labels

classes: string[]

An array of CSS classes applied to the form group element

stacked: boolean

Is the "stacked" class applied to the form group

localize: boolean

Should labels or other elements within this form group be automatically localized?

A custom form group widget function which replaces the default group HTML generation