A full-screen weather effect which renders gently falling autumn leaves.

Hierarchy (view full)


emitters: Emitter[]

The array of emitters which are active for this particle effect

label: string = "WEATHER.AutumnLeaves"

Inherit Doc

LEAF_CONFIG: EmitterConfigV3 = ...

Configuration for the particle emitter for falling leaves


  • Get the particle emitters which should be active for this particle effect. This base class creates a single emitter using the explicitly provided configuration. Subclasses can override this method for more advanced configurations.

    Returns Emitter[]

  • Create an emitter instance which automatically updates using the shared PIXI.Ticker


    • config: EmitterConfigV3

      The emitter configuration

    Returns Emitter

    The created Emitter instance

  • Begin animation for the configured emitters.

    Returns void

  • Stop animation for the configured emitters.

    Returns void