A batch renderer with a customizable data transfer function to packed geometries.


  • any
    • BatchRenderer


_packInterleavedGeometry: Function

The PackInterleavedGeometry function provided by the sampler.

_preRenderBatch: ((batchRenderer) => void)

The update function provided by the sampler and that is called just before a flush.

Type declaration

    • (batchRenderer): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

shaderGeneratorClass: typeof BatchShaderGenerator = BatchShaderGenerator

The batch shader generator class.

defaultUniforms: any = {}

The default uniform values for the batch shader.


  • get uniforms(): any
  • Get the uniforms bound to this abstract batch renderer.

    Returns any

  • get reservedTextureUnits(): number
  • Number of reserved texture units reserved by the batch shader that cannot be used by the batch renderer.

    Returns number

  • set reservedTextureUnits(val): void
  • Protected

    The number of reserved texture units that the shader generator should not use (maximum 4).


    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: {
          vertex: any;
          fragment: any;
          uniforms: any;
      } = {}
      • vertex: any
      • fragment: any
      • uniforms: any

    Returns void

  • This override allows to allocate a given number of texture units reserved for a custom batched shader. These reserved texture units won't be used to batch textures for PIXI.Sprite or SpriteMesh.

    Returns void

  • Returns void

    Inherit Doc

  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    • element: any
    • attributeBuffer: any
    • indexBuffer: any
    • aIndex: any
    • iIndex: any

    Returns void

  • Verify if a PIXI plugin exists. Check by name.


    • name: string

      The name of the pixi plugin to check.

    Returns boolean

    True if the plugin exists, false otherwise.