A shape of a Region.


Type Parameters

  • T


  • Internal

    Create a RegionShape.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends BaseShapeData


    • data: T

      The shape data.

    Returns RegionShape<T>


  • get data(): T
  • The data of this shape. It is owned by the shape and must not be modified.

    Returns T

  • get isHole(): boolean
  • Is this a hole?

    Returns boolean

  • get clipperPaths(): readonly (readonly IntPoint[])[]
  • The Clipper paths of this shape. The winding numbers are 1 or 0.

    Returns readonly (readonly IntPoint[])[]

  • get clipperPolyTree(): PolyTree
  • The Clipper polygon tree of this shape.

    Returns PolyTree


  • Protected

    Create the Clipper polygon tree of this shape. This function may return a single positively-orientated and non-selfintersecting Clipper path instead of a tree, which is automatically converted to a Clipper polygon tree. This function is called only once. It is not called if the shape is empty.

    Returns any


  • Protected Internal

    Draw shape into the graphics.


    • graphics: Graphics

      The graphics to draw the shape into.

    Returns void

  • Create the RegionShape from the shape data.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends BaseShapeData


    • data: T

      The shape data.

    Returns RegionShape<T>