interface DepthBatchData {
    _texture: Texture;
    vertexData: Float32Array;
    indices: number[] | Uint16Array | Uint32Array;
    uvs: Float32Array;
    elevation: number;
    textureAlphaThreshold: number;
    fadeOcclusion: number;
    radialOcclusion: number;
    visionOcclusion: number;


_texture: Texture

The texture

vertexData: Float32Array

The vertices

indices: number[] | Uint16Array | Uint32Array

The indices

uvs: Float32Array

The texture UVs

elevation: number

The elevation

textureAlphaThreshold: number

The texture alpha threshold

fadeOcclusion: number

The amount of FADE occlusion

radialOcclusion: number

The amount of RADIAL occlusion

visionOcclusion: number

The amount of VISION occlusion