Add-on Modules
Translation: Ukrainian [DnD 5e]
Savage Worlds Edição Aventura Regras Básicas
Lock The Sheets!
日本語化(Pathfinder RPG 1e)
WFRP4e - Oficjalne polskie tłumaczenie
Crucible - Tradução para Português (Brasil)
héros et dragons
Fallout Russian Translation (Unofficial)
SWADE Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (German)
L5A5e El Salteador de Caminos
Call of Cthulhu 7th French (Unofficial)
L5A5E Esponsales en el castillo Kyotei
Earthdawn Spielleiterhandbuch
PF2e Hero Shmero Points
Translation: Korean [Cyberpunk Red]
Foundry VTT 正體中文(臺灣)
Brazilian Portuguese [Pathfinder 2e]
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium - Compendium FR translations
PF2e Korean Translation
Dungeons LAB All-in-One
Translation: Spanish [Core]
Translation: 正體中文 [Core]
Fate Hybrid Skills
Polskie tłumacznie systemu Fallout 2d20
Translation: 中文 [Core]
DnD5e Polskie tłumaczenie
Translation: Wrath & Glory - System - Traduction FR
Translation: Ukrainian [Core]
Translation: 中文 [DnD5E]
Token Health
Fantasy World - Tradução para Português (Brasil)
Crunch My Party!
KULT: Divinity Lost · Extra FR
Deadlands: O Oeste Estranho (PT-BR)
Savage Pathfinder Bestiário PT-BR
Savage Pathfinder (PT-BR)
Sprawlrunners (PT-BR)
Scum and Villainy Spanish Translation
Helvéczia Magyar Kompendium
Dungeon World svenska kompendier
Starforged - RU Compendium
Translation files generator for Babele
Translation: Spanish [Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20]
Dungeon World - Tradução para Português (Brasil)
Pathfinder 1 - Traduction FR (Babele)
Gamemaster Title Editor
Blades in the Dark - Italian
Translation: Korean [D&D 5e](SRD)