
Terms of Service

Updated July 3, 2022

By registering a user account on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop website you agree to the terms of service for our product, and to uphold the community expectations and guidelines outlined below. These terms apply to all platforms where we maintain an official presence including: the Foundry Virtual Tabletop Website, Community Discord Server, Twitter,, and YouTube communities, hereinafter named "Communities". Some terms reference the Foundry Virtual Tabletop software, named the "Software".

Terms of Service

We pride ourselves in fostering Communities that are open, inclusive, and welcoming. In order to protect our business and software we require users who participate in these Communities to agree to the following Terms of Service.

  1. Unless specified by a separate agreement, I am not a representative of Foundry Gaming LLC nor is Foundry Gaming LLC responsible for my words or actions.
  2. I will not use the Software or its Communities to violate intellectual property law, including but not limited to copyright or trademark infringement.
  3. I will not use the Software or its Communities to collect private or personally identifying information from my users for the purposes of resale, illegal activity, abuse, or any other non-essential reason.
  4. I will not use the Software or its Communities to engage in any threatening, harrassing, abusive, or otherwise illegal practice of any kind.
  5. I will not attempt to reverse-engineer or distribute the Software without explicit written permission from Foundry Gaming LLC.
  6. Foundry Gaming LLC provides several website features API endpoints to facilitate performing various tasks for users and community websites. I acknowledge that abuse of website features whether intentionally or through negligence may cause damages to Foundry Gaming LLC for which I may be held liable.
  7. Foundry Gaming LLC is not liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from interactions members of its Communities.

Community Expectations

We work hard to preserve a healthy community by taking measures to moderate and enforce the following community policies. By participating in our Communities and engaging with other community members, you agree to conduct yourself in accordance with the following expectations:

  1. Be courteous and respectful to other members of the community. We are welcoming of everyone regardless of age, race, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  2. Do not use derogatory language or engage in harassing behavior. We have no tolerance for slurs or targeted attacks against individuals or groups.
  3. Our Communities are not an appropriate forum for discussion of political, religious, or ideological views.
  4. You are responsible for your own behavior, be aware of how your words or actions will affect others.
  5. The moderation teams for each of our Communities are empowered by Foundry Gaming LLC to address and resolve violations of these rules.
  6. In the event of a dispute regarding rules enforcement or moderator action, please Contact Us.

Right of Refusal

If these terms are violated, we will contact you and explain that your behavior is inappropriate for our community. For violations which are particularly severe or persistent, we reserve the right to suspend either temporarily or permanently your access to our services including, but not limited to, your Foundry Virtual Tabletop software license key.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service you may contact us using the information below:

Foundry Gaming LLC
522 W Riverside Ave, STE N
Spokane, WA 99201-4540
United States
UBI 6504340383

Foundry Gaming LLC © 2022. Terms of Service