The module adds functionality for tokens to ride one another.
Basic use:
To mount, select a group of tokens and press 'm' or use the 'Mount' macro while targeting(or hovering over) another token. To dismount, select all tokens you wish to dismount and press 'n' or use the "Unmount" macro. While controlling a ridden token and targeting one of its riders 'Unmount' will cause only the targeted token to dismount.
Upon mounting the module will spread the mounted tokens on the ridden token and increase their z-height relative to the ridden token. The mounted tokens will always move with the ridden token. Upon dismounting the z-height of the previously mounted tokens will be reduced again.
Ridden tokens can themselve ride other tokens.
A tutorial for some of the features can be found here:
Since v2.13.0 Rideable also has a feature for Token following.
- Tokens rideable by default to change if tokens are rideable by default
- Tiles can be mounted[v11 upwards] to enable tile mounting feature
- Allow mount on enter to activate the mount on enter feature in this world (turn off to increase performance)
- Check rider collision to check riders collision with wall before placing them
- Riding Height to change the relative z-height of the riders
- Use riding height by default to set wether tokens/tiles should use the riding height per default for their riders
- Mounting distance to limit the distance from which a token can mount another token
- Border to border distance to change the way the distance for the above option is calculated
- Maximum riders per token to limit the amounts of tokens that can ride the same token
- Link rotations to link the rotation of the rider tokens to the ridden token (or vice versa with the "Move ridden on rider movement" option)
- Apply "Mounted" effect to apply an appropriate effect to the riding token if the game system supports this
- Custom riding effects to list effects that should be applied to tokens when they start riding
- Mounts require "Rideable" trait to use the Pf2e trait system to decide if a token can be ridden
- Familiar riding to allow familiars to ride their master (familiars will be placed on their masters corners)
- Familiar riding position to set the corner familiars will be positioned first
- Grappling to allow tokens to grapple one another
- Apply "Grappled" effect to apply a system dependent effect on grappled tokens
- Custom grappling effects to set custom effects applied to grappled tokens
- Stop grapple on effect removal to stop the grapple when the as soon as the effect is removed
- Prevent enemy riding to stop tokens from riding enemy tokens (GMs ignore this setting)
- Adjust rider size to reduce the size of riders should their size be greater or equal to the size of the ridden token
- Adjusted rider size factor to set the factor by which the size of riders of smaller tokens is adjusted
- Rider scale factor to scale the graphics of riders
- Rider movement default setting to set the default Rider movement behaviour for new players
- Mount button default position to set the world default position for the mount button
- Enable Token following to use the Token following feature
- Following algorithm to choose the algorithm used for the following feature
- In combat follow behaviour to set how following tokens should behave once combat starts
- Only follow visible to set wether tokens can only follow tokens they can see
- Rider movement to decide what shall happen if a rider tries to move while still being mounted, either dismount the ride, stop the movement or move the ridden token
- Mount button position to set the position of the mount button or disable it
- Rider proxy select: to select ridden tokens instead of riders
- Message popups to activate some popups on certain actions
- Own message popups only to only show message popups from tokens you control
- Follower movement to set how followers should behave when they are moved independently of the token they follow
Tokens (separate tab)
- Token is Rideable to override world default for this token
- Mount on enter to mount tokens that enter this token/tile automatically
- Mount on enter blacklist to prevent certain tokens or actors from mounting on entering
- Mount on enter whitelist to set list tokens that can mount on enter this object
- Tile name [Tiles only] to set the name rideable will use for this tile
- Maximum riders to override world default for this token
- Custom riding height to set the height used for tokens riding this token
- Use riding height to set wether this token should use the riding height per default for its riders
- Riders scale to set a (graphical) scale for riders of this object
- Rider positioning to set in which pattern rider tokens should be placed (Row or Circle)
- Riders offset to configure an x,y offset for riders
- Riders rotational offset to configure an rotational offset for riders
- Grappled placement to set where tokens grappled by this token are placed
- Token form to set the form used to define this tokens border (Circle/Ellipse or Rectangle)
- Riders can move freely to allow riders to move freely within this tokens borders (if the token is moved, all riders will keep their relative position)
- Spawn riders (GM only) to set with which riders this token spawns
- Riding effects (GM only) to set effects tokens gain when they start riding this token
- Override world effects (GM only) to override the world standard effects with the tokens effects (instead of appending them)
- Self apply riding effects (GM only) to make this token apply its own Riding effects while riding
- Mount effects (GM only) to set effects that are applied to the mount of this token
- Grappling effects(GM only) Custom effects added to tokens grappled by this token
- Can be grappled(GM only) to enabled/disable the grapple feature on this token
- Can be piloted(GM only) to allow players to pilot this token/tile
The module should be compatible with all game systems on Foundry v10 and v11, though a few features are only available for the Pf2e system. Movement modules such as the Drag Ruler (including routinglib) should work fine with the module. If you encounter any bugs please let me know.
Explicit compatibility
- routinglib
- Additional option for world setting Following algorithm: routinglib
- FoundryVTT Arms Reach / Arms Reach
- Additional setting Use Arms Reach distance to use the "Arms Reach" distance instead of the set Mounting distance
- Stairways
- Supports both in- and cross-scene stairways
- Riders will follow their ridden token through stairways
- If the option "Move ridden Token" is active, the ridden token will follow its riders through stairways
- Following tokens will automatically be teleported when the followed token teleports
- If a users (standard) character gets teleported in one of this ways, the user will switch scenes
- If the option "Prevent movement" for rider tokens is active, riders will be prevented from using stairways (GMs can override this)
- Wall-Height
- Additional setting Use token height to use the ridden tokens height instead of the "Riding Height" setting
- If the above setting is activated the ridden tokens elevation will automatically be updated should the ridden tokens height change
- Lock & Key
- Has to be activated with the setting "Lock & Key integration"
- Rideable tokens are lockeable
- Locked tokens can not be mounted or unmounted
- Tagger
- Has to be activated with the setting "Tagger integration"
- Adding the Tag "Rideable:{TokenID}" to a token/tile will mount the appropiate token
- Removing this tag will unmount the token
- DFreds Convenient Effects Integration
- Must be activated with the world setting DFreds Convenient Effects Integration
- Allows for effects to be applied to mounted and grappled tokens
- Allows for custom mounted effects to be set
- Chris's Premades
- Must be activated with the world setting DFreds Convenient Effects Integration
- Allows for effects to be applied to mounted and grappled tokens
- Allows for custom mounted adn grappled effects to be set
- Token Attacher
- "Riding loops" should not be possible
- Adds token form "from attached tiles" to use attached tiles as the form of this token
- The attached tiles should NOT be set as rideable, it will not directly cause any bugs but strange behaviour
- The attached tiles set token form will be respected and combined to create the full rideable area
- When using keys or macros to mount the attached tiles can be hovered instead of the token
- The mounting distance will be measured from all attached tiles (only one has to be in range)
- Adds tile form "No form/ignore" to enhance above feature
- Monk's Active Tile Triggers
- Adds Rideable action "Mount this tile" to mount the triggering tokens to this tile
- Adds Rideable action "Mount" to mount a set of tokens to specified token/tile
- Adds Rideable action "Unmount" to unmount a set of tokens
- Adds Rideable action "Unmount riders" to unmount the riders of a given token/tile
- Adds Rideable action "Toggle mount" to change teh riding state of a set of tokens regarding a given token/tile
- Adds Rideable filter "Filter riders of mount" to filter the riders of a given token/tile
- Adds Rideable filter "Filter riders" to filter tokens that currently are riding
- Adds Rideable filter "Filter ridden" to filter tokens that currently are ridden
The module contains an English, a German, a French (thanks to wirgeen), and an Italien (thanks to Landscape) translation. If you want additional languages to be supported let me know.
A list can be found here
If you have suggestions, questions, or requests for additional features please let me know.