Unofficial L5R 4th Edition System for Foundry VTT
Unofficial implementation of the Legend of the Five Rings 4th edition for Foundry VTT. Provides character sheets for pcs and npcs.
- Trait rolls, ring rolls, spellcasting rolls, skill rolls and damage rolls from the character sheet.
- Enforces the "Ten dice rule" for rolls from the character sheet.
- Automatically calculates derived attributes such as initiative, Armor TN and rings.
- Automatically calculates the current would level based on the wounds suffered.
- A simplified sheet for npcs with rollable attacks, skills and damage.
- Use ctrl+click on rings to autmatically generate unskilled rolls (unseful for unskilled void rolls).
Dice Roller
Captures chat message and converts to a Foundry VTT roll pattern and shows the result with the Legend of Five Rings text roll.
- It makes roll with different explosion numbers;
- Accepts Unskilled rolls;
- Accepts Emphases rolls;
Syntax Allowed: XkYxZ+A or uXkY+A or eXkYxZ+A
- u = unskilled roll (no explosion);
- e = emphasis roll (reroll the 1 of the first roll);
- X = Number of rolled dice;
- Y = Number of kept dice;
- Z = Number equal or higher to explode;
- A = Bonus applied.
- 10k6 is converted to '/r 10d10k6x>=10'
- 10k8x9 is converted to '/r 10d10k8x>=9'
- u10k7 is converted to '/r 10d10k7'
- e10k5x8 is converted to '/r 10d10r1k5x>=8
Accepts FVTT Rolls
It can be used with roll, GM roll, self roll, blind roll and deferred inline roll.
- /r or /roll 6k5;
- /gmr or /gmroll 6k5;
- /sr or /selfroll 6k5;
- /br or /broll or /blindroll 6k5;
- Message [[/r 6k5]] works well;
- Message [[6k5]] works well;

Available languages
- English
- Español
- Français
Português (Brasil)
The recommended installation method is with the usual FoundryVTT installer (see the foundry tutorial). This system is listed as
Alternatively you can download this repo into your foundry data: your_foundry_data_path/systems/
Recomended modules
Compatible with Dice So Nice!
Special thanks to contributors
- Sylvain «Greewi» Dumazet
- Roberto Lorite
- Teddy
- eupolemo
- NekohimeMusou
- Junior
All icons and images are property of their respective owners.
Samurai icons by Hey Rabbit from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)
This work is licensed under a GNU General Public License v3.0 and Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License Agreement for module development.