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The official Foundry VTT Marketplace is now live! This brand new store brings together your favorite TTRPG content creators and publishers into a centralized shopping experience that links seamlessly to your existing Foundry Virtual Tabletop user account.
The first adventure from the Foundry team, Demon Queen Awakens, has been updated to take advantage of new D&D5E game system features and all of the fantastic additions in V12 of Foundry Virtual Tabletop. That includes inline checks, rule references, and scene regions for automating traps and other events.
This new and improved Player’s Handbook® is the ultimate guide for fifth edition D&D players. Play your way with optimized rules for character creation and advancement, exploration, combat, equipment, spells, and much more. Create fantastic heroes from an expanded selection of character origins, classes, and subclasses, revised and balanced for maximum fun.
The Kingmaker Adventure Path presents a full-length campaign that chronicles the rise of a new nation—a kingdom built and ruled by your player characters! Face off against bands of bloodthirsty bandits, deadly and dangerous monsters, and mysterious menaces from other realities as you fight to claim the Stolen Lands as your own. Will you rule with justice and mercy, or will you become the very monsters you fought to oppose?
Version 12 Stable has now been released! Check out our release notes for everything you need to know.
Join us in a look back at what we accomplished since our last anniversary celebration, and look ahead towards the exciting things we plan for during the coming year. This annual article is a great way to get some insight into what we do as a company and how we do it.
We have partnered with Teemill, a company dedicated to providing high quality merchandise using organic materials and reusable energy, to bring official Foundry VTT branded merchandise - available for purchase now!
Watch a comprehensive video overview which summarizes the features of Foundry Virtual Tabletop.
Foundry Virtual Tabletop is system agnostic, providing a core framework of features which can be used to play hundreds of different games. We have over 200 tabletop role-playing game systems which are actively supported.
Our Knowledge Base contains all the information you need to master Foundry Virtual Tabletop's many features. Start with our new user tutorials, get help setting up a self-hosted server, learn how to optimize your content, and much more!
Foundry Virtual Tabletop is designed using modern web technologies to be extremely accessible for module development. Almost every aspect of the software can be customized using a combination of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. We take pride in our API Documentation helping community developers to create thousands of modules.
As part of your purchase of Foundry Virtual Tabletop, you gain access to an incredible selection of free content packs which include game-ready battlemaps, monster tokens, epic audio, or pre-made adventures that you can jump into.