Found 60 Packages. Showing results 1 through 10.
Rifts® for Savage Worlds - Savage Foes of North America
… Tables for creating random creatures and even hordes of monsters coming from anywhere in the Megaverse® through the Rifts®. Savage Worlds core rules and Rifts® for Savage Worlds: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide are both are required for this module. It is also compatible with the Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Game Master’s Handbook . Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license. This product is available for purchase on both the Pinnacle Store and the Foundry VTT Marketplace. The Foundry VTT Marketplace version does not include the PDF and is offered at a slightly lower price to reflect this difference. …
Savage Worlds Core Ruleset
… Savage Worlds Core Rules Welcome to the first official Savage Worlds premium content pack for Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Within, please find the complete, fully interlinked Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules. Additionally, you will find all art from the core rule book as well as more than 200 additional art pieces. Many other goodies from the core rules are included as well, such as automated rolltables, ready-to-go Items, weapons with pre configured actions, and tokenized Actors and Vehicles. We hope you enjoy this labor of love and that your games are Fast, Furious, and Fun! Purchasing the Module Activate your content key on the Foundry VTT website: You can purchase a license key and supporting documentation for the Savage …
Rifts® for Savage Worlds - Empires of Humanity
… Campaign. This module depends on Rifts® for Savage Worlds: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide and Savage Worlds core rules for full functionality, as this book is designed for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition . Of course this module is compatible with the full range of other Rifts® for Savage Worlds Foundry VTT modules. Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license. This product is available for purchase on both the Pinnacle Store and the Foundry VTT Marketplace. The Foundry VTT Marketplace version does not include the PDF and is offered at a slightly lower price to reflect this difference. …
Rifts® for Savage Worlds - Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide
… Hindrances Setting Rules such as Blaze of Glory, Technical Difficulties, and a special Death & Defeat chart. Lots of new equipment including weapons, armor, and cybernetics. Expanded magic and psionics , including Mega Trappings and Master Psionic powers. We suggest owning the Savage Worlds core rules for full functionality, as this book is designed for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to have the full complement of the rules. It is also compatible with the Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Game Master’s Handbook and Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Savage Foes of North America . Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license. …
Rifts® for Savage Worlds - Game Master's Handbook
… useful advice for Game Masters in running the high-powered characters and adventures they will face in this amazing setting. Savage Worlds core rules and Rifts® for Savage Worlds: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide are both are required. It is also compatible with the Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Savage Foes of North America . Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license. This product is available for purchase on both the Pinnacle Store and the Foundry VTT Marketplace. The Foundry VTT Marketplace version does not include the PDF and is offered at a slightly lower price to reflect this difference. …
Rifts® for Savage Worlds - Tomorrow Legion Field Manual
… depends on Rifts® for Savage Worlds: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide . We also suggest owning the Savage Worlds core rules for full functionality, as this book is designed for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition . Of course this module is compatible with the full range of other Rifts® for Savage Worlds FoundryVTT modules. Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license. This product is available for purchase on both the Pinnacle Store and the Foundry VTT Marketplace. The Foundry VTT Marketplace version does not include the PDF and is offered at a slightly lower price to reflect this difference. …
Rifts® for Savage Worlds - Blood and Banes
… players Updated World Information for North America and the Into the Desert Night Plot Point Campaign. This module depends on Rifts® for Savage Worlds: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide and Savage Worlds core rules . Of course this module is compatible with the full range of other Rifts® for Savage Worlds Foundry VTT modules. Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license. This product is available for purchase on both the Pinnacle Store and the Foundry VTT Marketplace. The Foundry VTT Marketplace version does not include the PDF and is offered at a slightly lower price to reflect this difference. …
SWADE Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (German)
… Savage Worlds Grundregelwerk This is the German version of the English SWADE Module. For the English version please refer to this link Willkommen zum ersten offiziellen deutschen Savage Worlds Premium Content Pack. Darin findet ihr das komplette, vollständig verlinkte Grundregelwerk der Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Zusätzlich finden sich alle Bilder aus dem Grundregelwerk sowie mehr als 200 zusätzliche Bilder darin und viele andere Goodies, wie z.B. automatisierte Würfeltabellen, fertige Gegenstände, Waffen mit vordefinierten Aktionen und tokenisierte Akteure und Fahrzeuge. Wir hoffen, dass eure Spiele rasend schnell und spaßig werden! Inhalt des Moduls Das vollständig verlinkte Grundregelwerk sorgt für einen reibungslosen Ablauf des Spiels mit allen Attributen, Fertigkeiten, Talenten, Handicaps, Ausrüstungen und vieles mehr- mit Volltextbeschreibungen und integrierten Aktionen für verschiedene …
SWADE Savage Worlds Abenteuerdeck
… Savage Worlds Abenteuerdeck (German) Dieses Set enthält 53 liebevoll gestaltete Abenteuerkarten für Savage Worlds, die deinen Helden mehr Kontrolle über ihr eigenes Schicksal ermöglichen! Das Modul bringt zusätzlich Komfortfunktionen zum Austeilen und Anzeigen von Karten für Spieler und Spielleiter mit. Abenteuerkarten führen euch zu neuen Romanzen und Feinden, vermeiden oder erhöhen Schaden und treiben die Handlung voran! Enthält: Das Glückskind-Talent (Kompendium Abenteuertalent) Eine ausführliche Anleitung zur Nutzung des Decks für Foundry Ein Makro zur Vorbereitung des Spiels (Kompendium Abenteuermacro) Eine eigene Hand-Anzeige, um den Umgang mit Abenteuerkarten zu erleichtern Benötigt das Core Modul SWADE Grundregelwerk für Foundry: Kaufe Savage Worlds Abenteuerdeck auf Ulisses Spiele …
Rifts® for Savage Worlds - Arcana and Mysticism
… Information for North America and the Souls of Darkness Plot Point Campaign. This module depends on Rifts® for Savage Worlds: The Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide and the Savage Worlds core rules for full functionality. Of course this module is compatible with the full range of other Rifts® for Savage Worlds Foundry VTT modules. Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license. This product is available for purchase on both the Pinnacle Store and the Foundry VTT Marketplace. The Foundry VTT Marketplace version does not include the PDF and is offered at a slightly lower price to reflect this difference. …