
Pathfinder Tokens: Monster Core

An Add-on Module by Paizo

Content Provider: Paizo Author: Paizo Purchase Here: Project URL Versions 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Last Updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Every creature, every variant, every portrait, tokenized and ready for use!

A comprehensive collection of portrait and token artwork for almost 500 creatures, including subtypes and variants! This all-new premium module, exclusive to Foundry VTT, assembles all of the artwork from the Monster Core book for Pathfinder Second Edition Remastered into a complete set of creature tokens and portraits, ready to be dropped into your games. Crafty caligni, duplicitous devils, deadly dragons, genial genies, lively leshies, nightmarish niliths, perplexing proteans, ruthless rakshasas, slithering serpentfolk, and unrelenting undead—no creature goes unrepresented!

Buy The Monster Core Token Pack!

This unique, exclusive bundle includes:

* A small number of creatures, such as spellcaster dragon variants, share the same art.

Installation and Activation

Purchasing this product from the Paizo store will grant you an activation code which can be used through your Foundry VTT account page to activate the content for installation. Afterwards you will be able to install the “Pathfinder Token Pack: Bestiaries" module from the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen.

After installing the module, it must be activated within a Game World. To do so:

Once enabled, the Pathfinder Token Pack: Monster Core module automatically maps portrait and token art to every creature in the Monster Core compendium pack included with your Pathfinder Second Edition game system, as well as any creatures which also appear in any of the three Bestiary compendia. Tokens and portraits should be automatically displayed when you open either the compendium browser or the compendium packs directly.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a discount for owning the Monster Core PDF?

Historically, we have offered discounts for Foundry Virtual Tabletop packages when the modules are conversions of existing Paizo works, such as adventures. However, this Monster Core token pack module is not actually a direct adaptation of the Monster Core book, as all rules content (including creature statistics) from every official Pathfinder source, including Monster Core, is already provided free of charge in the Pathfinder Second Edition Game System for Foundry VTT. Instead, this product adds  token and portrait artwork for every single one of those creatures, created especially for this product and including many difficult-to-find and customized pieces of art.

How is this different from the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries token pack?

The Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries token pack provides tokens and artwork for each of the 1200+ monsters contained in the Bestiary, Bestiary 2, and Bestiary 3. These books were released prior to the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Remaster project and include a number of monsters originally released under the Open Gaming License 1.0a that are no longer included in the Remaster. Although every monster in the three Bestiaries remains fully compatible with the Remastered rules, Monster Core has removed some of these OGL legacy monsters, redesigned others, and added a whole slew of never-before-seen creatures, resulting in an entirely new collection that includes numerous pieces of brand-new art. If you own both the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries and Pathfinder Tokens: Monster Core packs, you will have artwork for every creature in all three of the Bestiary compendiums included with the Pathfinder 2nd Edition system for Foundry VTT, as well as the compendium for Monster Core. If you only own one or the other, each module will provide art for its own compendium(s) as well as for any creatures in other compendiums that appear in both collections.

What Creatures Does This Pack Include?

The short answer is that if it has a stat block in Monster Core, it has art in this module! However, for a complete list of what this pack includes:

Creature Portraits and Tokens Included (By Name)
  • Aapoph Granitescale
  • Aapoph Serpentfolk
  • Adamantine Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Adamantine Dragon (Adult)
  • Adamantine Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Adamantine Dragon (Ancient)
  • Adamantine Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Adamantine Dragon (Young)
  • Aeolaeka
  • Aesra
  • Air Scamp
  • Aiuvarin Elementalist
  • Akhana
  • Alce
  • Animated Armor
  • Animated Broom
  • Animated Statue
  • Ankhrav
  • Ankhrav Hive Mother
  • Ankylosaurus
  • Aolaz
  • Arbiter
  • Arboreal Regent
  • Arboreal Warden
  • Army Ant Swarm
  • Astradaemon
  • Athamaru Hunter
  • Augnagar
  • Awakened Tree
  • Axiomite
  • Azarketi Crab Catcher
  • Azarketi Tide Tamer
  • Azuretzi
  • Balisse
  • Bandersnatch
  • Banshee
  • Barghest
  • Basilisk
  • Benthic Worm
  • Boar
  • Boggard Scout
  • Boggard Swampseer
  • Boggard Warrior
  • Bogwid
  • Bone Prophet
  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Brimorak
  • Brine Shark
  • Brontosaurus
  • Bugbear Prowler
  • Bugbear Tormentor
  • Cacodaemon
  • Caldera Oni
  • Caligni Dancer
  • Caligni Hunter
  • Caligni Skulker
  • Cassisian
  • Catfolk Pouncer
  • Cauthooj
  • Cave Bear
  • Cave Worm
  • Centaur Herbalist
  • Centipede Swarm
  • Changeling Exile
  • Charnel Creation
  • Chimera
  • Choral
  • Chupacabra
  • Cinder Rat
  • Clay Effigy
  • Cloud Giant
  • Coarti
  • Cockatrice
  • Coil Spy
  • Compsognathus
  • Con Rit
  • Conspirator Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Conspirator Dragon (Adult)
  • Conspirator Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Conspirator Dragon (Ancient)
  • Conspirator Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Conspirator Dragon (Young)
  • Crag Linnorm
  • Crawling Hand
  • Crocodile
  • Cuckoo Hag
  • Cyclops
  • Cythnigot
  • Daeodon
  • Deadly Mantis
  • Deinonychus
  • Deinosuchus
  • Dero Magister
  • Dero Stalker
  • Dero Strangler
  • Desert Drake
  • Dezullon
  • Dhampir Wizard
  • Diabolic Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Diabolic Dragon (Adult)
  • Diabolic Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Diabolic Dragon (Ancient)
  • Diabolic Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Diabolic Dragon (Young)
  • Dire Wolf
  • Doldrums Heap
  • Dragon Turtle
  • Draxie
  • Dromaar Mountaineer
  • Dryad
  • Dryad Queen
  • Dullahan
  • Duskwalker Ghost Hunter
  • Dwarf Stonecaster
  • Dwarf Warrior
  • Dybbuk
  • Eagle
  • Earth Scamp
  • Elananx
  • Electric Eel
  • Elemental Avalanche
  • Elemental Hurricane
  • Elemental Inferno
  • Elemental Tsunami
  • Elephant
  • Elf Ranger
  • Empyreal Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Empyreal Dragon (Adult)
  • Empyreal Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Empyreal Dragon (Ancient)
  • Empyreal Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Empyreal Dragon (Young)
  • Envyspawn
  • Faydhaan
  • Fey Dragonet
  • Fire Giant
  • Fire Scamp
  • Firewyrm
  • Flame Drake
  • Flash Beetle
  • Forest Troll
  • Fortune Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Fortune Dragon (Adult)
  • Fortune Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Fortune Dragon (Ancient)
  • Fortune Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Fortune Dragon (Young)
  • Frost Drake
  • Frost Giant
  • Fungus Leshy
  • Gancanagh
  • Gargoyle
  • Ghost Commoner
  • Ghost Mage
  • Ghoul Soldier
  • Ghoul Stalker
  • Giant Anaconda
  • Giant Animated Statue
  • Giant Ant
  • Giant Bat
  • Giant Centipede
  • Giant Crawling Hand
  • Giant Eagle
  • Giant Flytrap
  • Giant Frilled Lizard
  • Giant Gecko
  • Giant Hippocampus
  • Giant Mantis
  • Giant Monitor Lizard
  • Giant Moray Eel
  • Giant Octopus
  • Giant Rat
  • Giant Scorpion
  • Giant Stag Beetle
  • Giant Tarantula
  • Giant Viper
  • Giant Wasp
  • Gigantopithecus
  • Gimmerling
  • Giylea
  • Globster
  • Gluttonyspawn
  • Gnome Bard
  • Goblin Commando
  • Goblin Dog
  • Goblin Pyro
  • Goblin War Chanter
  • Goblin Warrior
  • Gogiteth
  • Goliath Spider
  • Gongorinan
  • Gorilla
  • Gosreg
  • Gourd Leshy
  • Graveknight
  • Great Cyclops
  • Great White Shark
  • Greater Hell Hound
  • Greater Herexen
  • Greater Nightmare
  • Greater Shadow
  • Greedspawn
  • Griffon
  • Grikkitog
  • Grim Reaper
  • Grindylow
  • Grizzly Bear
  • Grothlut
  • Guard Dog
  • Guthallath
  • Gylou
  • Hadrosaurid
  • Halfling Street Watcher
  • Halfling Troublemaker
  • Harpy
  • Hell Hound
  • Herexen
  • Hippocampus
  • Hippogriff
  • Hobgoblin Archer
  • Hobgoblin General
  • Hobgoblin Soldier
  • Homunculus
  • Horned Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Horned Dragon (Adult)
  • Horned Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Horned Dragon (Ancient)
  • Horned Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Horned Dragon (Young)
  • Hryngar Bombardier
  • Hryngar Sharpshooter
  • Hryngar Taskmaster
  • Hunting Spider
  • Hyaenodon
  • Hydra
  • Hyena
  • Ice Linnorm
  • Ifrit
  • Imp
  • Irnakurse
  • Iron Hag
  • Iron Warden
  • Island Oni
  • Jaathoom
  • Jabali
  • Jah-Tohl
  • Jann
  • Jinkin
  • Jungle Drake
  • Kanya
  • Keketar
  • Kholo Bonekeeper
  • Kholo Hunter
  • Kholo Sergeant
  • Kobold Cavern Mage
  • Kobold Scout
  • Kobold Warrior
  • Kraken
  • Krooth
  • Lamia
  • Lamia Matriarch
  • Larval Ofalth
  • Lawbringer Warpriest
  • Leaf Leshy
  • Leopard
  • Lesser Death
  • Leukodaemon
  • Lich
  • Lion
  • Living Landslide
  • Living Tar
  • Living Waterfall
  • Living Whirlwind
  • Living Wildfire
  • Lizardfolk Defender
  • Lizardfolk Scout
  • Lizardfolk Stargazer
  • Lustspawn
  • Lyrakien
  • Magma Worm
  • Mammoth
  • Manticore (Quill Tail)
  • Manticore (Scorpion Tail)
  • Marsh Giant
  • Medusa
  • Megalodon
  • Megaprimatus
  • Merfolk Warrior
  • Merfolk Wavecaller
  • Minotaur Hunter
  • Mirage Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Mirage Dragon (Adult)
  • Mirage Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Mirage Dragon (Ancient)
  • Mirage Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Mirage Dragon (Young)
  • Mitflit
  • Morrigna
  • Mountain Oni
  • Mukradi
  • Mummy Guardian
  • Mummy Pharaoh
  • Naiad
  • Naiad Queen
  • Nessari
  • Nightmare
  • Nilith
  • Norn
  • Nosoi
  • Noxious Needler
  • Nuckelavee
  • Ofalth
  • Ogre Boss
  • Ogre Glutton
  • Ogre Warrior
  • Omen Dragon (Adult, Spellcaster)
  • Omen Dragon (Adult)
  • Omen Dragon (Ancient, Spellcaster)
  • Omen Dragon (Ancient)
  • Omen Dragon (Young, Spellcaster)
  • Omen Dragon (Young)
  • Omox
  • Orc Commander
  • Orc Scrapper
  • Orc Veteran
  • Orca
  • Ort
  • Pachycephalosaurus
  • Paleohemoth
  • Pegasus
  • Phade
  • Phantom Beast
  • Phantom Knight
  • Phistophilus
  • Phoenix
  • Pipefox
  • Pitborn Adept
  • Pixie
  • Plague Zombie
  • Pleroma
  • Poltergeist
  • Poracha
  • Pridespawn
  • Pteranodon
  • Pugwampi
  • Pukwudgie
  • Pusk
  • Python
  • Qarna
  • Quai Dau To
  • Quatoid
  • Quelaunt
  • Quetz Coatl
  • Quetzalcoatlus
  • Raja-Krodha
  • Raktavarna
  • Rat Swarm
  • Ratfolk Grenadier
  • Redcap
  • Reefclaw
  • Rekhep
  • Revenant
  • Rhinoceros
  • Rhu-Chalik
  • Riding Dog
  • Riding Horse
  • Riding Pony
  • River Drake
  • Roc
  • Rune Giant
  • Sargassum Heap
  • Sarglagon
  • Satyr
  • Scarecrow
  • Scorpion Swarm
  • Sea Hag
  • Sea Serpent
  • Sedacthy Marauder
  • Sedacthy Scout
  • Sedacthy Speaker
  • Seraptis
  • Sewer Ooze
  • Shadow
  • Shadow Giant
  • Shadow Spawn
  • Shemhazian
  • Shining Child
  • Shuln
  • Skeletal Champion
  • Skeletal Giant
  • Skeletal Horse
  • Skeletal Hulk
  • Skeleton Guard
  • Skulltaker
  • Slothspawn
  • Slurk
  • Smaranava
  • Smilodon
  • Snapping Flytrap
  • Snow Oni
  • Sod Hound
  • Soulbound Doll (Brave)
  • Soulbound Doll (Calm)
  • Soulbound Doll (Careful)
  • Soulbound Doll (Cruel)
  • Soulbound Doll (Gentle)
  • Soulbound Doll (Impish)
  • Soulbound Doll (Jolly)
  • Soulbound Doll (Kind)
  • Soulbound Doll (Rash)
  • Soulbound Doll (Sassy)
  • Soulbound Doll (Timid)
  • Soulbound Homunculus
  • Sphinx
  • Spider Swarm
  • Sprigjack
  • Sprite
  • Stegosaurus
  • Stone Bulwark
  • Stone Giant
  • Stone Mauler
  • String Slime
  • Succubus
  • Sweet Hag
  • Tabellia
  • Tarn Linnorm
  • Tengu Sneak
  • Terotricus
  • Thulgant
  • Tiger
  • Tomb Jelly
  • Tooth Fairy
  • Tooth Fairy Swarm
  • Tor Linnorm
  • Treerazer
  • Triceratops
  • Troll Warleader
  • Twigjack
  • Tyrannosaurus
  • Ugothol
  • Umbral Gnome Rockwarden
  • Umbral Gnome Scout
  • Umbral Gnome Warrior
  • Unicorn
  • Vampire Bat Swarm
  • Vampire Count
  • Vampire Mastermind
  • Vampire Servitor
  • Vanth
  • Velociraptor
  • Venedaemon
  • Vescavor Queen
  • Vescavor Swarm
  • Vicharamuni
  • Vidileth
  • Vilderavn
  • Viper
  • Voidworm
  • Vordine
  • Vrolikai
  • War Horse
  • War Pony
  • Warg
  • Warsworn
  • Wasp Swarm
  • Water Scamp
  • Werebear
  • Wererat
  • Weretiger
  • Werewolf
  • Wight
  • Will-o'-Wisp
  • Winged Chupacabra
  • Witchwarg
  • Wolf
  • Woolly Rhinoceros
  • Wraith
  • Wrathspawn
  • Wyvern
  • Xoarian
  • Xulgath Leader
  • Xulgath Skulker
  • Xulgath Warrior
  • Yamaraj
  • Yeti
  • Zecui
  • Zephyr Hawk
  • Zoaem
  • Zombie Brute
  • Zombie Hulk
  • Zombie Shambler


Available Versions

  1. Version 12.2.1

    3 weeks, 5 days ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Manifest URL