Something gnawing at you? The undead nation of Geb gains most of its international trade from the export of food grown on zombie-worked farms, but lately one farm has been the site of a series of strange occurrences. Dispatched to investigate the problem, the player characters discover a grave threat to Geb's minority living population, bringing them to the attention of the insidious Blood Lords who rule the land in the name of their undead wizard-king. Defeating the wicked forces behind the plot is the first step on a long road to gaining influence and power in Geb, but if the investigators can't solve the problem to the Blood Lords' satisfaction, their first step may be their last!
Zombie Feast is a Pathfinder adventure for four less-than-good-hearted 1st-level characters. The adventure begins the Blood Lords Adventure Path, a six-part, monthly campaign in which the characters rise from skilled troubleshooters to join the Blood Lords who rule a land of the dead.
The adventure also details the Great Factions of Geb, whose favors are key to rising in political influence, and provides a complete gazetteer of the town of Graydirge, where the adventure takes place. New monsters, spells, undead companions, and more round out the bountiful buffet of Zombie Feast. For the first time, experience this Adventure Path using the full suite of Foundry VTT features, using maps, tiles, tokens, sounds, and much more to bring you content which truly cannot be experienced in the same way anywhere else.
Note: If you already own the Pathfinder Adventure Path #181: Zombie Feast (Blood Lords 1 of 6) PDF, you may follow this link to purchase just the module for $16.00. If you do not own the PDF, it will be automatically added to your digital library when you purchase this Foundry module at its regular price from the Paizo webstore.
Purchase Blood Lords 1 of 6: Zombie Feast
Zombie Feast for Foundry VTT includes:
- High-resolution character artwork and tokens for the unique undead monsters and NPCs in this AP.
- Seven completely remade, highly detailed, and immersive adventure maps with support for Foundry Virtual Tabletop's Overhead Tiles and Foreground Layer features, re-created by Sigil Entertainment Group using assets from Forgotten Adventures.
- Journal Entries for the entire contents of the book with additional encounter notes and Foundry VTT tips.
- Scenes pre-configured with walls, lights, sound, tokens, and hazards already placed to provide GMs the most convenient experience running the adventure.
- Soundscapes provided as ambient playlists and local sound sources to immerse your players, mixed using audio from the Syrinscape library.
Installation and Activation
Purchasing this product from the Paizo store will grant you an activation code which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at and access to the PDF version of the same content (both downloadable from your My Downloads page on Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path #181: Zombie Feast (Blood Lords 1 of 6) (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit
After installing the module, it must be activated within a Game World. To do so:
- Access the Settings Sidebar tab
- Click "Manage Modules"
- Locate the "Blood Lords - Zombie Feast" Module, enable it, and save module settings.