(static) benchmark(func, iterations, …args)
Benchmark the performance of a function, calling it a requested number of iterations.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
func |
function | The function to benchmark |
iterations |
number | The number of iterations to test |
args |
any |
<repeatable> |
Additional arguments passed to the benchmarked function |
(static) colorStringToHex(color) → {number|null}
Convert a string color to a hex integer
Name | Type | Description |
color |
string | The string color |
The hexadecimal color code
- Type
- number | null
(static) debounce(callback, delay) → {function}
Wrap a callback in a debounced timeout. Delay execution of the callback function until the function has not been called for delay milliseconds
Name | Type | Description |
callback |
function | A function to execute once the debounced threshold has been passed |
delay |
number | An amount of time in milliseconds to delay |
A wrapped function which can be called to debounce execution
- Type
- function
(static) deepClone(original, optionsopt) → {*}
Quickly clone a simple piece of data, returning a copy which can be mutated safely. This method DOES support recursive data structures containing inner objects or arrays. This method DOES NOT support advanced object types like Set, Map, or other specialized classes.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | ||||||||||
original |
* | Some sort of data |
options |
object |
<optional> |
Options to configure the behaviour of deepClone Properties
The clone of that data
- Type
- *
(static) diffObject(original, other, optionsopt) → {object}
Deeply difference an object against some other, returning the update keys and values.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description | ||||||||||
original |
object | An object comparing data against which to compare |
other |
object | An object containing potentially different data |
options |
object |
<optional> |
Additional options which configure the diff operation Properties
An object of the data in other which differs from that in original
- Type
- object
(static) duplicate(original)
A cheap data duplication trick which is relatively robust. For a subset of cases the deepClone function will offer better performance.
Name | Type | Description |
original |
Object | Some sort of data |
(static) encodeURL(path) → {string}
Encode a url-like string by replacing any characters which need encoding
Name | Type | Description |
path |
string | A fully-qualified URL or url component (like a relative path) |
An encoded URL string
- Type
- string
(static) expandObject(obj, _dopt) → {object}
Expand a flattened object to be a standard multi-dimensional nested Object by converting all dot-notation keys to inner objects.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
obj |
object | The object to expand |
_d |
Number |
<optional> |
Track the recursion depth to prevent overflow |
An expanded object
- Type
- object
(static) filterObject(source, template, optionsopt)
Filter the contents of some source object using the structure of a template object. Only keys which exist in the template are preserved in the source object.
const source = {foo: {number: 1, name: "Tim", topping: "olives"}, bar: "baz"};
const template = {foo: {number: 0, name: "Mit", style: "bold"}, other: 72};
filterObject(source, template); // {foo: {number: 1, name: "Tim"}};
filterObject(source, template, {templateValues: true}); // {foo: {number: 0, name: "Mit"}};
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description | |||||||||||||||
source |
object | An object which contains the data you wish to filter |
template |
object | An object which contains the structure you wish to preserve |
options |
object |
<optional> |
Additional options which customize the filtration Properties
(static) flattenObject(obj, _dopt) → {object}
Flatten a possibly multi-dimensional object to a one-dimensional one by converting all nested keys to dot notation
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
obj |
object | The object to flatten |
_d |
number |
<optional> |
Track the recursion depth to prevent overflow |
A flattened object
- Type
- object
(static) getParentClasses(cls) → {Array.<function()>}
Obtain references to the parent classes of a certain class.
Name | Type | Description |
cls |
function | An ES6 Class definition |
An array of parent Classes which the provided class extends
- Type
- Array.<function()>
(static) getProperty(object, key) → {*}
A helper function which searches through an object to retrieve a value by a string key. The string key supports the notation a.b.c which would return object[a][b][c]
Name | Type | Description |
object |
object | The object to traverse |
key |
string | An object property with notation a.b.c |
The value of the found property
- Type
- *
(static) getRoute(path, prefixopt) → {string}
Get the URL route for a certain path which includes a path prefix, if one is set
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
path |
string | The Foundry URL path |
prefix |
string | null |
<optional> |
A path prefix to apply |
The absolute URL path
- Type
- string
(static) getType(token) → {string}
Learn the named type of a token - extending the functionality of typeof to recognize some core Object types
Name | Type | Description |
token |
* | Some passed token |
The named type of the token
- Type
- string
(static) hasProperty(object, key) → {boolean}
A helper function which tests whether an object has a property or nested property given a string key. The string key supports the notation a.b.c which would return true if object[a][b][c] exists
Name | Type | Description |
object |
object | The object to traverse |
key |
string | An object property with notation a.b.c |
An indicator for whether the property exists
- Type
- boolean
(static) hexToRGB(hex) → {Array.<number>}
Convert a hex color code to an RGB array
Name | Type | Description |
hex |
number | A hex color number |
An array of [r,g,b] colors normalized on the range of [0,1]
- Type
- Array.<number>
(static) hexToRGBAString(hex, alphaopt) → {string}
Convert a hex color code to an RGBA color string which can be used for CSS styling
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
hex |
number | A hex color number |
alpha |
number |
<optional> |
An optional level of transparency |
An rgba style string
- Type
- string
(static) hsvToRgb(h, s, v) → {Array.<number>}
Converts an HSV color value to RGB. Conversion formula adapted from Assumes h, s, and v are contained in the set [0, 1] and returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 1].
Name | Type | Description |
h |
number | The hue |
s |
number | The saturation |
v |
number | The value |
The RGB representation
- Type
- Array.<number>
(static) invertObject(obj) → {object}
Invert an object by assigning its values as keys and its keys as values.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
object | The original object to invert |
The inverted object with keys and values swapped
- Type
- object
(static) isNewerVersion(v1, v0) → {boolean}
Return whether or not a target version (v1) is more advanced than some other reference version (v0). Supports either numeric or string version comparison with version parts separated by periods.
Name | Type | Description |
v1 |
number | string | The target version |
v0 |
number | string | The reference version |
Is v1 a more advanced version than v0?
- Type
- boolean
(static) isObjectEmpty(obj) → {boolean}
A simple function to test whether or not an Object is empty
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
object | The object to test |
Is the object empty?
- Type
- boolean
(static) isSubclass(cls, parent) → {boolean}
Test whether some class is a subclass of a parent.
Name | Type | Description |
cls |
function | The class to test |
parent |
function | Some other class which may be a parent |
Is the class a subclass of the parent?
- Type
- boolean
(static) mergeObject(original, otheropt, optionsopt, _dopt) → {object}
Update a source object by replacing its keys and values with those from a target object.
Control how new keys and values are added
mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k2: "v2"}, {insertKeys: false}); // {k1: "v1"}
mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k2: "v2"}, {insertKeys: true}); // {k1: "v1", k2: "v2"}
mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {insertValues: false}); // {k1: {i1: "v1"}}
mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {insertValues: true}); // {k1: {i1: "v1", i2: "v2"}}
Control how existing data is overwritten
mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k1: "v2"}, {overwrite: true}); // {k1: "v2"}
mergeObject({k1: "v1"}, {k1: "v2"}, {overwrite: false}); // {k1: "v1"}
Control whether merges are performed recursively
mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {recursive: false}); // {k1: {i1: "v2"}}
mergeObject({k1: {i1: "v1"}}, {k1: {i2: "v2"}}, {recursive: true}); // {k1: {i1: "v1", i2: "v2"}}
Deleting an existing object key
mergeObject({k1: "v1", k2: "v2"}, {"-=k1": null}); // {k2: "v2"}
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
original |
object | The initial object which should be updated with values from the target |
other |
object |
<optional> |
A new object whose values should replace those in the source |
options |
object |
<optional> |
Additional options which configure the merge Properties
_d |
number |
<optional> |
A privately used parameter to track recursion depth. |
The original source object including updated, inserted, or overwritten records.
- Type
- object
(static) randomID(length) → {string}
Generate a random string ID of a given requested length.
Name | Type | Description |
length |
number | The length of the random ID to generate |
Return a string containing random letters and numbers
- Type
- string
(static) rgbToHex(rgb) → {number}
Converts a color as an [R, G, B] array of normalized floats to a hexadecimal number.
Name | Type | Description |
rgb |
Array.<number> | Array of numbers where all values are normalized floats from 0.0 to 1.0. |
The numeric color as hexadecimal
- Type
- number
(static) rgbToHsv(r, g, b) → {Array.<number>}
Converts an RGB color value to HSV. Conversion formula adapted from Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 1] and returns h, s, and v in the set [0, 1].
Name | Type | Description |
r |
number | The red color value |
g |
number | The green color value |
b |
number | The blue color value |
The HSV representation
- Type
- Array.<number>
(static) setProperty(object, key, value) → {boolean}
A helper function which searches through an object to assign a value using a string key This string key supports the notation a.b.c which would target object[a][b][c]
Name | Type | Description |
object |
object | The object to update |
key |
string | The string key |
value |
* | The value to be assigned |
Whether the value was changed from its previous value
- Type
- boolean
(static) timeSince(timeStamp) → {string}
Express a timestamp as a relative string
Name | Type | Description |
timeStamp |
Date | string | A timestamp string or Date object to be formatted as a relative time |
A string expression for the relative time
- Type
- string