(static) layerOptions
_active :boolean
- Overrides:
Track whether the canvas layer is currently active for interaction
- boolean
_chain :boolean
Track whether we are currently within a chained placement workflow
- boolean
_controlled :Object
- Overrides:
Track the set of PlaceableObjects on this layer which are currently controlled by their id
- Object
_copy :Array.<PlaceableObject>
- Overrides:
Keep track of an object copied with CTRL+C which can be pasted later
_forceSnap :boolean
Track whether the layer is currently toggled to snap at exact grid precision
- boolean
_hover :PlaceableObject
- Overrides:
Track the PlaceableObject on this layer which is currently being hovered upon
boundaries :Set.<Wall>
An array of Wall objects which represent the boundaries of the canvas.
- Set.<Wall>
chain :PIXI.Graphics
A graphics layer used to display chained Wall selection
- PIXI.Graphics
- Overrides:
An Array of placeable objects in this layer which have the _controlled attribute
- Overrides:
Creation states affected to placeables during their construction.
- number
documentCollection :Collection|null
- Overrides:
Obtain a reference to the Collection of embedded Document instances within the currently viewed Scene
- Collection | null
documentName :string
- Overrides:
A reference to the named Document type which is contained within this Canvas Layer.
- string
doors :Array.<Wall>
An Array of Wall instances in the current Scene which act as Doors.
gridPrecision :number
- Overrides:
Gate the precision of wall snapping to become less precise for small scale maps.
- number
history :Array.<CanvasHistory>
- Overrides:
Keep track of history so that CTRL+Z can undo changes
hud :BasePlaceableHUD|null
- Overrides:
If objects on this PlaceableLayer have a HUD UI, provide a reference to its instance
- BasePlaceableHUD | null
name :string
- Overrides:
The canonical name of the CanvasLayer
- string
objects :PIXI.Container|null
- Overrides:
Placeable Layer Objects
- PIXI.Container | null
options :CanvasLayerOptions
- Overrides:
Options for this layer instance.
placeables :Array.<PlaceableObject>
- Overrides:
A convenience method for accessing the placeable object instances contained in this layer
- Overrides:
Preview Object Placement
quadtree :Quadtree|null
- Overrides:
A Quadtree which partitions and organizes Walls into quadrants for efficient target identification.
- Quadtree | null
(static) getClosestEndpoint(point, wall) → {PointArray}
Given a point and the coordinates of a wall, determine which endpoint is closer to the point
Name | Type | Description |
point |
Point | The origin point of the new Wall placement |
wall |
Wall | The existing Wall object being chained to |
The [x,y] coordinates of the starting endpoint
- Type
- PointArray
(protected) _canvasCoordinatesFromDrop(event, optionsopt, centeropt) → {Array.<number>|boolean}
- Overrides:
Get the world-transformed drop position.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
event |
DragEvent | |||
options |
object |
<optional> |
center |
boolean |
<optional> |
Return the co-ordinates of the center of the nearest grid element. |
Returns the transformed x, y co-ordinates, or false if the drag event was outside the canvas.
- Type
- Array.<number> | boolean
(async, protected) _createPreview(createData, position)
- Overrides:
Create a preview of this layer's object type from a world document and show its sheet so it can be finalized.
Name | Type | Description |
createData |
object | The data to create the object with. |
position |
Object | The position to render the sheet at. |
- Overrides:
- See:
- {Canvas#_onClickLeft}
Handle left mouse-click events which originate from the Canvas stage and are dispatched to this Layer.
- Overrides:
- See:
Handle double left-click events which originate from the Canvas stage and are dispatched to this Layer.
- Overrides:
- See:
- {Canvas#_onClickRight}
Handle right mouse-click events which originate from the Canvas stage and are dispatched to this Layer.
- Overrides:
- See:
- {Canvas#_onDragLeftDrop}
Cancel a left-click drag workflow originating from the Canvas stage.
(async) _onDragLeftDrop() → {Promise}
- Overrides:
- See:
- {Canvas#_onDragLeftDrop}
Conclude a left-click drag workflow originating from the Canvas stage.
- Type
- Promise
- Overrides:
- See:
- {Canvas#_onDragLeftMove}
Continue a left-click drag workflow originating from the Canvas stage.
(async) _onDragLeftStart() → {Promise.<void>}
- Overrides:
- See:
- {Canvas#_onDragLeftStart}
Start a left-click drag workflow originating from the Canvas stage.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
- Overrides:
Handle mouse-wheel events at the PlaceableObjects layer level to rotate multiple objects at once. This handler will rotate all controlled objects by some incremental angle.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
MouseWheelEvent | The mousewheel event which originated the request |
checkCollision(ray, optionsopt) → {boolean}
Test whether movement along a given Ray collides with a Wall.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description | |||||||||||||||
ray |
Ray | The attempted movement |
options |
object |
<optional> |
Options which customize how collision is tested Properties
Does a collision occur along the tested Ray?
- Type
- boolean
- Overrides:
Clear the contents of the preview container, restoring visibility of original (non-preview) objects.
controlAll(options) → {Array.<PlaceableObject>}
- Overrides:
Acquire control over all PlaceableObject instances which are visible and controllable within the layer.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
object | Options passed to the control method of each object |
An array of objects that were controlled
- Type
- Array.<PlaceableObject>
copyObjects() → {Array.<PlaceableObject>}
- Overrides:
Copy currently controlled PlaceableObjects to a temporary Array, ready to paste back into the scene later
The Array of copied PlaceableObject instances
- Type
- Array.<PlaceableObject>
createObject() → {PlaceableObject|null}
- Overrides:
Draw a single placeable object
- Type
- PlaceableObject | null
(async) deleteAll() → {Promise.<Array.<Document>>}
- Overrides:
A helper method to prompt for deletion of all PlaceableObject instances within the Scene Renders a confirmation dialogue to confirm with the requester that all objects will be deleted
An array of Document objects which were deleted by the operation
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<Document>>
get(objectId) → {PlaceableObject}
- Overrides:
Get a PlaceableObject contained in this layer by it's ID
Name | Type | Description |
objectId |
string | The ID of the contained object to retrieve |
The object instance, or undefined
- Type
- PlaceableObject
getDocuments() → {Array.<Document>}
- Overrides:
Obtain an iterable of objects which should be added to this PlaceableLayer
- Type
- Array.<Document>
getZIndex() → {number}
- Overrides:
Get the zIndex that should be used for ordering this layer vertically relative to others in the same Container.
- Type
- number
Highlight the endpoints of Wall segments which are currently group-controlled on the Walls layer
Identify walls which are treated as "interior" because they are contained fully within a roof tile.
Initialization to identify all intersections between walls. These intersections are cached and used later when computing point source polygons.
Perform initialization steps for the WallsLayer whenever the composition of walls in the Scene is changed. Cache unique wall endpoints and identify interior walls using overhead roof tiles.
(async) moveMany(options) → {Promise.<Array.<PlaceableObject>>}
- Overrides:
Simultaneously move multiple PlaceableObjects via keyboard movement offsets. This executes a single database operation using Scene.update. If moving only a single object, this will delegate to PlaceableObject.update for performance reasons.
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
options |
object | Options which configure how multiple objects are moved Properties
An array of objects which were moved during the operation
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<PlaceableObject>>
(async) pasteObjects(position, hiddenopt, snapopt) → {Promise.<Array.<Document>>}
- Overrides:
Paste currently copied PlaceableObjects back to the layer by creating new copies
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
position |
Point | The destination position for the copied data. |
hidden |
boolean |
<optional> |
Paste data in a hidden state, if applicable. Default is false. |
snap |
boolean |
<optional> |
Snap the resulting objects to the grid. Default is true. |
An Array of created Document instances
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<Document>>
releaseAll(options) → {number}
- Overrides:
Release all controlled PlaceableObject instance from this layer.
Name | Type | Description |
options |
object | Options passed to the release method of each object |
The number of PlaceableObject instances which were released
- Type
- number
(async) rotateMany(options) → {Promise.<Array.<PlaceableObject>>}
- Overrides:
Simultaneously rotate multiple PlaceableObjects using a provided angle or incremental. This executes a single database operation using Scene.update. If rotating only a single object, it is better to use the PlaceableObject.rotate instance method.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
options |
object | Options which configure how multiple objects are rotated Properties
An array of objects which were rotated
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<PlaceableObject>>
selectObjects(x, y, width, height, releaseOptions, controlOptions) → {boolean}
- Overrides:
Select all PlaceableObject instances which fall within a coordinate rectangle.
Name | Type | Description |
x |
number | The top-left x-coordinate of the selection rectangle |
y |
number | The top-left y-coordinate of the selection rectangle |
width |
number | The width of the selection rectangle |
height |
number | The height of the selection rectangle |
releaseOptions |
Object | Optional arguments provided to any called release() method |
controlOptions |
Object | Optional arguments provided to any called control() method |
A boolean for whether the controlled set was changed in the operation
- Type
- boolean
storeHistory(type, data)
- Overrides:
Record a new CRUD event in the history log so that it can be undone later
Name | Type | Description |
type |
string | The event type (create, update, delete) |
data |
Array.<Object> | The object data |
(async) undoHistory() → {Promise.<Array.<Document>>}
- Overrides:
Undo a change to the objects in this layer This method is typically activated using CTRL+Z while the layer is active
An array of documents which were modified by the undo operation
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<Document>>
(async) updateAll(transformation, condition, optionsopt) → {Promise.<Array.<Document>>}
- Overrides:
Update all objects in this layer with a provided transformation. Conditionally filter to only apply to objects which match a certain condition.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
transformation |
function | object | An object of data or function to apply to all matched objects |
condition |
function | null |
A function which tests whether to target each object |
options |
object |
<optional> |
Additional options passed to Document.update |
An array of updated data once the operation is complete
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<Document>>