
data. EffectDurationData

An embedded data structure which tracks the duration of an ActiveEffect.


new EffectDurationData(data, documentopt)

  • ActiveEffectData
Name Type Attributes Description
startTime number

The world time when the active effect first started

seconds number <optional>

The maximum duration of the effect, in seconds

combat string <optional>

The _id of the CombatEncounter in which the effect first started

rounds number <optional>

The maximum duration of the effect, in combat rounds

turns number <optional>

The maximum duration of the effect, in combat turns

startRound number <optional>

The round of the CombatEncounter in which the effect first started

startTurn number <optional>

The turn of the CombatEncounter in which the effect first started

Name Type Attributes Description
data object

Initial data used to construct the data object

document BaseActiveEffect <optional>

The document to which this data object belongs


  • DocumentData