
data. JournalEntryData

The data schema for a JournalEntry document.


new JournalEntryData(data, documentopt)

  • BaseJournalEntry
Name Type Attributes Default Description
_id string

The _id which uniquely identifies this JournalEntry document

name string

The name of this JournalEntry

content string

The HTML content of the JournalEntry

img string | null <optional>

An image file path which provides the artwork for this JournalEntry

folder string | null

The _id of a Folder which contains this JournalEntry

sort number <optional>

The numeric sort value which orders this JournalEntry relative to its siblings

permission object <optional>

An object which configures user permissions to this JournalEntry

flags object <optional>

An object of optional key/value flags

Name Type Attributes Description
data object

Initial data used to construct the data object

document BaseJournalEntry <optional>

The document to which this data object belongs


  • DocumentData