new AmbientSound()
_controlled :boolean
- Overrides:
An indicator for whether the object is currently controlled
- boolean
_hover :boolean
- Overrides:
An indicator for whether the object is currently a hover target
- boolean
- Overrides:
The bounding box for this PlaceableObject. This is required if the layer uses a Quadtree, otherwise it is optional
center :PIXI.Point
- Overrides:
The central coordinate pair of the placeable object based on it's own width and height
- PIXI.Point
controlIcon :ControlIcon
- Overrides:
A control icon for interacting with the object
data :abstract.DocumentData
- Overrides:
The underlying data object which provides the basis for this placeable object
document :abstract.Document
- Overrides:
A reference to the Scene embedded Document instance which this object represents
embeddedName :string
- Overrides:
Identify the official Document name for this PlaceableObject class
- string
fov :PIXI.Circle
- Overrides:
The field-of-vision polygon for the object, if it has been computed
- PIXI.Circle
id :string
- Overrides:
The id of the corresponding Document which this PlaceableObject represents.
- string
isAudible :boolean
Is this ambient sound is currently audible based on its hidden state and the darkness level of the Scene?
- boolean
layer :PIXI.Container
- Overrides:
Provide a reference to the CanvasLayer which contains this PlaceableObject.
- PIXI.Container
los :PointSourcePolygon|null
- Overrides:
The line-of-sight polygon for the object, if it has been computed
- PointSourcePolygon | null
mouseInteractionManager :MouseInteractionManager
- Overrides:
A mouse interaction manager instance which handles mouse workflows related to this object.
radius :number
A convenience accessor for the sound radius in pixels
- number
scene :Scene
- Overrides:
Retain a reference to the Scene within which this Placeable Object resides
sheet :FormApplication
- Overrides:
A Form Application which is used to configure the properties of this Placeable Object or the Document it represents.
sound :Sound|null
The Sound which manages playback for this AmbientSound effect
- Sound | null
source :SoundSource
A SoundSource object which manages the area of effect for this ambient sound
The named identified for the source object associated with this ambient sound
vision :Object
- Overrides:
Track the field of vision for the placeable object. This is necessary to determine whether a player has line-of-sight towards a placeable object or vice-versa
- Object
(protected) _canConfigure()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to configure the Placeable Object?
(protected) _canControl()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to control the Placeable Object?
(protected) _canCreate()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to create the underlying Document?
(protected) _canDelete()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to delete the underlying Document?
(protected) _canDrag()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to drag this Placeable Object?
(protected) _canHover()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to hover on this Placeable Object?
(protected) _canHUD()
- Overrides:
Can the User access the HUD for this Placeable Object?
(protected) _canUpdate()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to update the underlying Document?
(protected) _canView()
- Overrides:
Does the User have permission to view details of the Placeable Object?
(protected) _createInteractionManager()
- Overrides:
Create a standard MouseInteractionManager for the PlaceableObject
_getShiftedPosition(dx, dy) → {Object}
- Overrides:
Obtain a shifted position for the Placeable Object
Name | Type | Description |
dx |
number | The number of grid units to shift along the X-axis |
dy |
number | The number of grid units to shift along the Y-axis |
The shifted target coordinates
- Type
- Object
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleClickLeft
Callback actions which occur on a single left-click event to assume control of the object
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleClickLeft2
Callback actions which occur on a double left-click event to activate
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleClickRight
Callback actions which occur on a single right-click event to configure properties of the object
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleClickRight2
Callback actions which occur on a double right-click event to configure properties of the object
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
(protected) _onControl(options)
- Overrides:
Additional events which trigger once control of the object is established
Name | Type | Description |
options |
Object | Optional parameters which apply for specific implementations |
(protected) _onCreate()
- Overrides:
Register pending canvas operations which should occur after a new PlaceableObject of this type is created
(protected) _onDelete()
- Overrides:
Define additional steps taken when an existing placeable object of this type is deleted
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleDragCancel
Callback actions which occur on a mouse-move operation.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
MouseEvent | The triggering mouse click event |
(async) _onDragLeftDrop(event) → {Promise.<*>}
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleDragDrop
Callback actions which occur on a mouse-move operation.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
- Type
- Promise.<*>
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleDragMove
Callback actions which occur on a mouse-move operation.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleDragStart
Callback actions which occur when a mouse-drag action is first begun.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
_onHoverIn(event, options)
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleMouseOver
Actions that should be taken for this Placeable Object when a mouseover event occurs
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
options |
object | Options which customize event handling Properties
- Overrides:
- See:
- MouseInteractionManager#_handleMouseOut
Actions that should be taken for this Placeable Object when a mouseout event occurs
Name | Type | Description |
event |
PIXI.InteractionEvent | The triggering canvas interaction event |
(protected) _onRelease(options)
- Overrides:
Additional events which trigger once control of the object is released
Name | Type | Description |
options |
Object | Options which modify the releasing workflow |
(protected) _onUpdate()
- Overrides:
Define additional steps taken when an existing placeable object of this type is updated with new data
_updateRotation(options) → {number}
- Overrides:
Determine a new angle of rotation for a PlaceableObject either from an explicit angle or from a delta offset.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
options |
object | An object which defines the rotation update parameters Properties
The new rotation angle for the object
- Type
- number
- Overrides:
Activate interactivity for the Placeable Object
can(user, action) → {boolean}
- Overrides:
Test whether a user can perform a certain interaction with regards to a Placeable Object
Name | Type | Description |
user |
User | The User performing the action |
action |
string | The named action being attempted |
Does the User have rights to perform the action?
- Type
- boolean
clear() → {PlaceableObject}
- Overrides:
Clear the display of the existing object
The cleared object
- Type
- PlaceableObject
clone() → {PlaceableObject}
- Overrides:
Clone the placeable object, returning a new object with identical attributes The returned object is non-interactive, and has no assigned ID If you plan to use it permanently you should call the create method
A new object with identical data
- Type
- PlaceableObject
control(options) → {boolean}
- Overrides:
Assume control over a PlaceableObject, flagging it as controlled and enabling downstream behaviors
Name | Type | Description | ||||||
options |
Object | Additional options which modify the control request Properties
A flag denoting whether or not control was successful
- Type
- boolean
- Overrides:
(async) draw() → {Promise.<PlaceableObject>}
- Overrides:
Draw the placeable object into its parent container
The drawn object
- Type
- Promise.<PlaceableObject>
refresh() → {PlaceableObject}
- Overrides:
Refresh the current display state of the Placeable Object
The refreshed object
- Type
- PlaceableObject
Refresh the display of the ControlIcon for this AmbientSound source
release(options) → {boolean}
- Overrides:
Release control over a PlaceableObject, removing it from the controlled set
Name | Type | Description |
options |
Object | Options which modify the releasing workflow |
A Boolean flag confirming the object was released.
- Type
- boolean
(async) rotate(angle, snap) → {Promise.<PlaceableObject>}
- Overrides:
Rotate the PlaceableObject to a certain angle of facing
Name | Type | Description |
angle |
number | The desired angle of rotation |
snap |
number | Snap the angle of rotation to a certain target degree increment |
The rotated object
- Type
- Promise.<PlaceableObject>
sync(isAudible, volume, optionsopt)
Toggle playback of the sound depending on whether or not it is audible
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description | ||||||||||
isAudible |
boolean | Is the sound audible? |
volume |
number | The target playback volume |
options |
object |
<optional> |
Additional options which affect sound synchronization Properties
updateSource(defer, deleted)
Compute the field-of-vision for an object, determining its effective line-of-sight and field-of-vision polygons
Name | Type | Description |
defer |
boolean | Defer refreshing the SoundsLayer to manually call that refresh later. |
deleted |
boolean | Indicate that this SoundSource has been deleted. |