This system is developed by the community in order to provide a way to play the World of Darkness 5th edition gamelines within FoundryVTT. No content that is not allowed under the Dark Pack Agreement is included; the system only provides character sheets and features that facilitate play with the World of Darkness 5th edition gamelines.

System Overview
The World of Darkness 5e system includes:
- Full support for the World of Darkness 5th edition gamelines, including Vampire: The Masquerade, Hunter: The Reckoning, and Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
- Detailed character sheets to keep track of everything about your character, from their biography details to their disciplines, edges, and gifts.
- Automation for tracking increased hunger on rouse checks and decreased rage on rage checks, as well as Willpower Rerolls and automatically adding willpower damage from those.
- Integration with the Dice So Nice! module, adding new dice that have all the World of Darkness 5th edition dice symbols implemented when rolling splat dice.
- Five unique system themes to choose from - Light Theme, Dark Theme, Vampire Theme, Hunter Theme, and Werewolf Theme.
- Immense customization - whether it's changing the default splat colours, customizing skills, or adding new disciplines - the storyteller can effortlessly change almost everything to their liking!
- An in-depth system for keeping track of situational modifiers that may come up in scenes when making dicerolls.
- Support for English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and Ukrainian - and always looking for help translating anything that's missing, as well as people to offer assistance translating the system into new languages, as well!
What the system does not include:
- Any World of Darkness IP that is not covered under the Dark Pack Agreement: Meaning, this system does not include any content from the World of Darkness books that cannot be found on a blank character sheet.
Issue Tracking & Feature Requests
If you find any issues with the system, or have a suggestion on how to make the system even better, then please feel free to submit an issue over on the Github issues list. Alternatively, contact "Veilza" in the FoundryVTT official Discord and she'll be happy to look into it as well! Either ping her in the World of Darkness channel or message her directly.
Licensing Information

License For System Code
World of Darkness 5e System for Foundry VTT Copyright (C) 2024, World of Darkness 5e Developers
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.