Create Interactive terminals with custom content and theming. A map note alternative.
📃 Usage
1. Create a new tile
2. link a journal to the tile and check "enabled" within the tile's new Terminal tab.
3. walk onto the tile with any token. This will open Termainal's UI allowing for immersive Journals as well as other features described below.
🔎 Details
If the player lacks permission to the Journal they will be given Observer. Upon leaving the tile they will be prompted to share the Journal with their party. If they do the Journal will become Observer for everyone.
This works as an alternative solution to map notes. I personally found map notes to be annoying in that they could be easily misconfigured with permissions or not even viewable when checked off from the control panel. This solves both those issues by handling permissions all automatically.
I post updates to project on itch.io
✨ Features
After a GM enables a feature, a player can see and use it (usually from a new button) from within the styled Terminal GUI
- lock & unlock doors
- give players Observer on a token (camera feed access)
- access other remote Terminals (even across scene)
- require a item for access (keycard)
- require a password for access
- run a macro with arguments
- clear fog of war for the scene (download a map)
- detect motion within the scene (pings all tokens)
- switch lights on or off
- ALIEN RPG exclusive: charge items
- Monk's Active Tiles: run triggers
- encrypt journal pages, requiring a skill check to view
- require skill checks any/all above features
- simulate native Foundry Region events for unlimited possibilities
🎨 Stylize
This module uses sound effects. All audio files can be swapped out easily. Here is a full list of things that can be customized:
- filters: noise, scan lines, text animations, glitch effect
- colors: background, borders, text, buttons, loading bars
- sound: ambient, startup, close, click
- media: background, border image, splash screen
- ASCII: a user defined text art is shown on Terminal startup, this can be edited
🕶️ Preview
Want to see some of it in action?this does not cover all the features. I unfortunately don't have a video for that yet...
🔑 Access
There are two locations to purchase this module:
Both methods will permanently add the module to your Foundry account. I'd recommend foundryvtt.store since with itch it requires the extra step of adding the purchased key to your Foundry account, for that follow Foundry's guide under "Content Key" to add the key.
Since access is permanent, you receive all future updates for free
❤️ Compatibility
The module plays well with popular modules: Levels, Puzzle Locks, and Monk's Active Tiles