
Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Terror on the Dark Frontier

An Add-on Module by Pinnacle Entertainment Group

Content Provider: Pinnacle Entertainment Group Author: Venatus Vinco Purchase Here: Project URL Versions 12.331+ (Verified 12) Last Updated 4 weeks ago

The Rifts® for Savage Worlds Terror on the Dark Frontier module includes:

Campaign Book

The Terror on the Dark Frontier Campaign Book contains the plot points that make up the campaign along with a number of additional Savage Tales. You can run these standalone stories whenever you choose to add diversions to break up the campaign.

Player’s Handbook

The Terror on the Dark Frontier Player’s Book offers a simple introduction to your Legionnaires to explain the important people and places they are about to discover, setting the scene for them to explore the area and discover the secrets of the Dark Frontier.

Region Guide

The Terror on the Dark Frontier Region Guide provides a detailed background to the region in which this epic tale is set. Here you’ll find a comprehensive overview of the area in which the campaign takes place.

Pawns & Tokens

Crawling out of the Dark Frontier, these individually created tokens are ready to populate your maps. With 79 unique tokens, the frontier has never felt more dangerous.

Map Pack

A set of four large maps set up in Foundry with immersive lighting effects and walls. Includes a Frontier Town, Ziggurat, Simvan Camp, and Station 13 Alpha.

Screen Captures



Rifts® and Megaverse® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books, Inc. All character names and likenesses are copyright and trademarks owned by Palladium Books, Inc. and used under license.</em >

Available Versions

  1. Version 12.0.0

    4 weeks ago
    Foundry Version 12.331+ (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes