This package contains art or text produced using generative AI.
Produce, procedurally-generated homebrew content with the Random Procedural Creations (rp-creations) module for Foundry VTT!
See Random Procedural Names for AI name generation for tokens!
- Generate homebrew content via chat commands (!h, !g)! See the Quickstart Guide for instructions, or type !help in chat
- Foundry VTT V11 verified (D&D 3.5, D&D 4e, D&D 5e, PF2e, Worlds Without Number, Stars Without Number, SWADE, WFRP4e, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk Red, Shadowrun, Twilight 2000, Crucible coming soon!)
- Localization support for multiple languages
- Up to 5 free daily AI requests
- Numerous language options for descriptions
- Produce content for several genres
- Quickly create homebrew of the following types and more!
Ability, Action, Armor, Artifact, Background, Boss, Building, Class, Condition, CraftingRecipe, Creature, Cult, CulturalPractice, Currency, Deity, Disease, Drink, Encounter, Event, Faction, Fauna, Feat, Festival, Flora, Food, Guild, HistoricalEvent, Holiday, Item, Landmark, Language, Legend, Location, MagicItem, Mount, Mythology, NPC, Organization, Plane, PlotHook, Poem, Poison, Profession, Prophecy, Puzzle, Quest, Race, Relic, Ritual, SecretSociety, Settlement, Shop, Skill, Song, Spell, Subclass, SymbolSigil, Tome, Tradition, Trap, Vehicle, Weapon