A ledger system for Pathfinder games!
What does it do?
The first time you click "update ledger", it will create an initial entry, this is to handle cases where a campaign has already run for a while.
Then, after any changes to the amount of currency spent, the user can input a reason for the change (or not put one in at all), and click "update ledger". This populates the ledger with an entry showing the currency difference (+/-), and the new total.
The user can click "Open Ledger..." to view all of their ledger entries.
The ledger shows: The log entry, the currency diff, the weightless currency diff, which character made the entry, which user made the entry.
The GM can also find an option under Settings > Pathfinder 1 > Open Ledgers...
to get a comprehensive list of all actor ledgers in their game!