Author: Asacolips
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Versions 12+ (Verified 12)
Last Updated 1 week, 3 days ago
The Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) system for Foundry VTT is a generic system that is built as a framework to allow you to build out character sheets for most systems that would be considered PbtA, assuming they include playbooks, character advancement, and a 2d6 (or similar, such as 2d10 or d6+d8) core mechanic that revolves around ranges of success.
Getting Started
Head over to the documentation at for a tutorial on how to build your own sheets for the PbtA RPG of your choice using this system.
Because this system is a general purpose framework, it does not include any compendium content or licensed material. More information on Vincent Baker's Powered by the Apocalypse policy can be found here: