Oliver's Dark Heresy 2 Extras
An extention to moo-man's excellent DarkHeresy2E-FoundryVTT.
This module only optionally depends on the DH2 System and about-time. If they're not installed then the functions simply won't be loaded.
This module adds some extra functionality to the Actor and DarkHeresyActor classes enabling you do do cool things like:
// Let's say that you've ruled that Takedown can only be done once per day
// Otherwise your character get's dizzy
// We need some status effect to indicate that the character is dizzy
// Or at least I like to so that it's visible on the token
const dizzyStatusEffect = "stun";
async main() {
const actor = game.user.character;
// You can only use Takedown if you have the talent
if (actor.hasTalent("Takedown")) {
if (actor.hasStatusEffect(dizzyStatusEffect)) {
ui.notification.warn("This character can't perform a Takedown twice in one day");
// You could use actor.timeUntilStatusEffectExpiry(dizzyStatusEffect)
// to display how long until they can use Takedown again
} else {
// Do stuff for the takedown
actor.enableStatusEffectFor(dizzyStatusEffect, {hours: 1});
} else {
ui.notification.warn("This character can't perform a Takedown");
ui.notification.warn("You'll need to invest in the talent first");
The docs have more examples and more functions, take a look :)