
The MAD Cartographer | Adventures

An Add-on Module by The MAD Cartographer

Content Provider: The MAD Cartographer Author: The MAD Cartographer Purchase Here: Project URL Versions 12+ (Verified 12) Last Updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

The 5e MADventures Patreon-Exclusive module from The MAD Cartographer.

This module pack contains our 5e adventures, complete with maps, walling, sounds, dynamic lighting and third party module features. Currently this amounts to over 20 5e adventures, and we're frequently adding additional adventures!

Adventure Name

Average Party Level (APL)

Date Added

Lair of the Ooze Alchemist 1 1st July 2023
Temple of Arinael 2 1st July 2023
Curse of Medusa 2 1st July 2023
Wretched Face Cavern 2 1st July 2023
Beneath Surestone Abbey 3 1st July 2023
Monster's Den 3 1st July 2023
The Blood Mine Strike 4 1st July 2023
Web of the Sporeweaver 4 1st July 2023
Things Frozen 4 1st July 2023
Cult of the Purple Knife 5 1st July 2023
Shrine of the Swamp Hydra 5 1st July 2023
The Worm Witch 5 1st July 2023
Bunker of Shazsha 6 1st July 2023
Dorgath's Crypt 6 1st July 2023
Fountain of Ochkhoro 7 1st July 2023
The Duergar Mindforge 7 1st July 2023
Hunt of the Winter Werewolf 8 1st July 2023
The Decayed Laboratory 8 1st July 2023
The Silver Corsair 8 1st July 2023
Temple of the Rotten God 10 1st July 2023

If you have any questions regarding with this module pack, or want to join the MAD community you can join our Discord server!

Want to support The MAD Cartographer? Check out our Patreon!

Supported Game Systems

  1. Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

    Latest Version: Version 3.3.1 Last Updated 4 days, 8 hours ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 12.0.1

    2 weeks, 3 days ago
    Foundry Version 12+ (Verified 12) Manifest URL
  2. Version 11.0.5

    3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL
  3. Version 11.0.2

    1 year ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL
  4. Version 11.0.1

    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL