- Go to Foundry's setup page
- Go to the Game Systems tab
- Search for Grimwild in the list of installable systems and install it.
- Sheets for characters, monsters, and linked challenges
- Dice rolls and pool rolls
- Suspense
- Quick pools
- Compendiums for game rules and GM rules
- Compendiums for path talents
Getting Started
The Grimwild system is still in early development, so more features will be coming! Check for updates frequently.
Actor Types
- Character
- Used for creating character sheets.
- Most fields are text fields (occasionally with an autocomplete like desires), so edit them as needed.
- Talents ship with the system and can be dragged and dropped onto character sheets. To view talents for your character's path, go to the talents tab of the sheet and click the Compendium button.
- Monster
- Used for creating monster sheets.
- Has both a basic Challenge Pool field (for elites and bosses) and a Challenges tab where additional challenges can be created as needed.
- Traits, moves, and tables are supported based on the structure in the rule book, but their display and rolling isn't fully fleshed out yet.
- Linked Challenge
- Used for creating linked challenges or simple challenges that aren't quite monsters. Similar to the monster sheet, but with less fields.
- Because this is an actor, it can be dropped on the canvas and assigned a token.
- We don't yet have a way to show visual links between challenge cards, but that may be added in a future release if we can find a straightforward way to do so.
Item Types
- Talent
- Talents that can be added to characters.
- Includes a description field for the rules content and a notes field for character notes on the talent, like what spell theorems were selected.
- The Attributes tab includes a Trackers section where various trackers for the talents can be created. We've pre-created these for all of the talents in the book, but there are two types: pool and points. Points can be displayed as either a row of checkbox (such as spell slots) or as a number input.
- Challenge
- Singular challenges that can be embedded in either Linked Challenge actors or Monster actors. Usually you would create these directly on the Linked Challenge or Monster, but you can also create them by themselves so that they can be dragged and dropped into either actors or into journal entries for your session notes.
- Arcana
- Not much to these yet, but the item type has been created so that you can start creating them by name/image.
Rolls can be generated directly from character and monster sheets, or you can roll them in chat with the following syntax:
- /r 4d - Roll a 4 dice roll.
- /r 4d2t - Roll a 4 dice roll with 2 thorns.
- /r 4p - Roll a 4 dice pool. This isn't tracked anywhere, but it will note how the pool should change in the result.
Dice So Nice
The system includes support for Dice So Nice. A custom texture with color-coded results is included with the name grimwild. There's also a system setting in the Grimwild section of the world's settings that will allow each user to choose whether or not they want to always use the Grimwild dice instead of other Dice So Nice textures for Grimwild rolls and pools specifically.
Dice Tray
An integration for the Dice Tray module is in progress! Keep an eye out for updates to it, and this readme will be updated once it's available.
GM Tools
A suspense tracker will appear directly above the Macro Bar. This is a global tracker and you can control in the system's settings whether or not its visible to players.
Quick Pools
To the right of the suspense tracker, GMs can create quick pools. The quick pools are unique to each Foundry scene. As with suspense, GMs can control whether or not these are visible to players, but individual quick pools can also be shown/hidden.
Code is licensed with the MIT license. See for full details.
Content Licenses
Grimwild © 2024 by J.D. Maxwell and Oddity Press, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Grimwild is based on Moxie © 2024 by J.D. Maxwell and Oddity Press, licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Compendium content from Grimwild is used with permission from Oddity Press.
Image Licenses
Logos and page textures in the assets/ directory are © 2024 by Oddity Press and used with permission.