
Simple Calendar

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: vigorator Project Source: Project URL Versions 10+ (Verified 12) Last Updated 2 months ago

Create The Perfect Calendar

Simple Calendar is the ultimate timekeeping module for FoundryVTT that works with all game systems!

It comes prepackaged with many preset calendars to get your world up and running quickly. Or if you have a completely custom-built calendaring system for your world, Simple Calendar can handle that as well!

Get started and create the perfect calendar to enrich your world for your players!

Months your way

Custom Years

Unique Weekdays

Set Your Own Leap Year Rules


Create Custom Moons

Unique Time? No Problem

Notes and Events

And much more!

There are many ways to customize your calendar and how it interacts with FoundryVTT and other systems and modules. Be sure to check out the full documentation to learn all the way!

Different themes that can be applied to Simple Calendar (Dark, Light and Classic)



Simple Calendar has a dedicated site for everything from how to use the module as a player, to configure the module as a game master to how to interact with the API for use with other modules / systems. Check out the links below!



Have questions? Ran into a bug? There are a couple of ways you can get help!


If you wish to support the development of Simple Calendar there are a few ways you can help:


Available Versions

  1. Version 2.4.18

    2 months ago
    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes
  2. Version 2.4.17

    2 months, 1 week ago
    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes
  3. Version 2.4.13

    4 months, 1 week ago
    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL Read Notes
  4. Version 2.4.12

    4 months, 2 weeks ago
    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL Read Notes
  5. Version 2.4.9

    4 months, 2 weeks ago
    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL Read Notes
  6. Version 2.0.30

    Foundry Version 9.231 - 9 (Verified 9) Manifest URL Read Notes
  7. Version 1.3.75

    Foundry Version 0.7.9 - 0.8.9 (Verified 0.8.9) Manifest URL Read Notes