
Danger Zone

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: napolitanod Project Source Versions 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Last Updated 4 months, 1 week ago

Bring your scenes to life and add an element of danger. Danger Zone provides GMs the ability to easily invoke localized zone-defined effects within a scene, such as:

Danger Zone

A zone is triggered by the token movement. Using Danger Zone, you can define a portion of the scene to be the zone (e.g. the area at the base of this cathedral) within which a danger (e.g the bolts of electricity) is invoked and tokens may be affected. Note that Danger Zone includes no video components and integrates with other free modules to expand functionality. In the above example, Danger Zone integrates with JB2A module for the lightning asset and Sequencer for playing the effect. Danger Zone pulls these together into a cohesive whole along with it's own token movement trigger and zone location and targeting functionality.


What's in the module


What's not in the module


Getting Started

1. Create a Danger

Create a new danger. A 'Dangers' button is made available within the scenes area of the right side panel for this purpose.

The danger is the lava bubble  that erupts from the lava field. It defines an effect that executes within a zone.


2. Add a Zone to a Scene

Create a zone. Zones are created on scenes by clicking on the 'Zones' button within the scene's configuration form header. During the zone creation process you will select and associate one danger to the zone. You will also define how the zone can be triggered. The danger within the zone when triggered can target a location within the zone either randomly or by user selection.

The zone is the lava field. From within the zone's boundary the dangers are generated. 


3. Trigger Zone

Trigger the zone. Manually triggered zones can be triggered by clicking a button that is added by Danger Zone to the Foundry VTT interface for any active zones in the activated scene. Some triggers involve game events within the activated scene, such as changes in combat turns/rounds/initiative order or token movement. Finally, zones can be triggered by macros by using the Danger Zone API.

The trigger causes the lava bubble to erupt from the lava field. 


Module Integration

Danger Zone integrates with a series of other Foundary modules in order to provide enhanced effects and token targeting. Module Integration is detailed in full on the linked github page.


Additional Documentation and Help

For additional documentation, see the linked github page below and the available Wiki at


Available Versions

  1. Version 1.9.9

    4 months, 1 week ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes
  2. Version 1.9.8

    4 months, 1 week ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes
  3. Version 1.9.7

    4 months, 1 week ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes
  4. Version 1.9.6

    4 months, 3 weeks ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes
  5. Version 1.8.13

    6 months, 4 weeks ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Manifest URL Read Notes
  6. Version 1.7.6

    1 year, 3 months ago
    Foundry Version 11 - 11 (Verified 11) Manifest URL Read Notes
  7. Version

    Foundry Version 10 - 10 (Verified 10) Manifest URL Read Notes
  8. Version 1.5.2

    Foundry Version 9 - 9 (Verified 9) Manifest URL Read Notes
  9. Version 0.9.2

    Foundry Version 0.8.6 - 9 (Verified 0.8.9) Manifest URL Read Notes