A module to track when players have returned from a break.
Holding down the shift and home keys will display a dialog box to all players and let them click a button to indicate they've returned from break. Makes it a little easier than going through roll call, or waiting for someone to return when they've been back for awhile and just had their microphone on mute.
The Shift+Home key can be changed in the settings to something else.
By default opening and closing the Breaktime window will pause and unpause the game, but you can turn this off.
Also, optional feature to add a toggle button on the token menu that a player can click on to indicate that they're stepping away mid game. The players indicator dot will change to an empty circle and a door icon will appear beside their name. And a text message will be sent to the chat window.
BreakTime also supports the Chat Commands Library. /brb and /back are registered commands and can be used to step away return to the game, respectively.