Enter a world where adventurers can become conquerors – and conquerors can become kings.
Welcome to the Adventurer Conqueror King System™ Imperial Imprint (ACKS II), the new edition of the acclaimed bestselling fantasy role-playing game.
Adventure, conquer, and reign!
Will you survive the perils of war and dark magic to claim a throne? Or will you meet your fate in a forgotten ruin beyond the ken of men?
This is a world where empires stand on the brink of war, and terrible monsters tear at the fragile borderlands of men; where decaying cities teem with chaos and corruption, weeping innocents are sacrificed to chthonic cults and nobles live in decadent pleasure while the realm burns; where heroes, wizards, and rogues risk everything in pursuit of glory, fortune, and power.
Within ACKS II you'll find everything you need to enjoy epic fantasy campaigns with a sweeping scope. Whether you want to crawl through dungeons, experiment with alchemy, crossbreed monsters, run a merchant emporium, raise an undead legion, or conquer an empire, ACKS II supports your playstyle.
Adventurer Conqueror King System Imperial Imprint for Foundry VTT
This is the ACKS II core game system module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop, providing character sheet and game system support for ACKS II.
This game system has essential rules mechanics and character sheets to make the judge's job easier for running ACKS II games on the Foundry VTT. Also included is a world map of the Auran Empire (the default setting of ACKS). A number of compendiums with Monsters, Items, Spells, Proficiencies, Abilities, and more are available separately.
Upgrading From ACKS I
If you're upgrading and have an existing ACKS I game world, back it up before installing the update, and read the Release Notes.
ACKS II for Foundry VTT Features
Core Rules
- Armor Class (Ascending starting from 0)
- Attack throws, saving throws, and proficiency throws
- Attributes, class powers, and proficiency modifiers applied to character sheet
- Encumbrance rules, including encumbrance bar to reflect speed
- Initiative rules, including readying, delaying, and tie-breaking by group size
- Morale and Loyalty tracking for Henchmen
- Party-based surprise rolls to start encounters
- Party-based evasion rolls to end encounters
- Spellcasting
- Tweak section of the character sheet to modify throws, AC, etc for proficiencies or class bonuses
- The ACKS Compendium content has the majority of equipment, proficiencies, and spells from the original ACKS Core Book and has not been updated for ACKS II yet.
Latest Release
Version 12.2.3 was released on 2024/12/31.
For more information on the changes, see the ACKS II Release Notes page at:
You can also view the full list of releases on GitHub at:
Backup Before Updating!
Back up every ACKS game world before upgrading to the latest ACKS system. The update will change character sheets and items, so please make a backup before upgrading.
You will find backup instructions below.
Overview of Backup Process
Back up your game world before updating the ACKS game system.
- Shut down your game world
- Back up your game world (any and all current worlds in use).
- Update the server to the latest release.
- Start your game world
- Log in to the game world
- Check that everything looks good
- Manually update each character as per instructions.
How to Perform a Backup
This section describes how to back up your existing game world. The instructions vary depending on whether you are running your own self-hosted copy of Foundry, or using a hosting provider like The Forge that has their own management interface.
Self-Hosting Foundry VTT: If you're running a standard installation of Foundry, either locally or hosted in the cloud, visit the Foundry VTT's documentation for "Backups and Snapshots", specifically the section for Creating a Package Backup at https://foundryvtt.com/article/backups/.
Forge Hosting Service: If you're using the Forge hosting service, visit "How to Export Worlds and Compendium Modules from The Forge" at https://forums.forge-vtt.com/t/how-to-export-worlds-and-compendium-modules-from-the-forge/5518.
Installation Instructions
Forge Hosting
If you're using the Forge hosting service, the ACKS II module is immediately installable directly from Forge's Bazaar. Visit the ACKS II page on Forge and click the Install button. https://forge-vtt.com/bazaar/package/acks
Getting Started with the Foundry VTT
If you're new to installing Game System modules, follow along with the Foundry Gamemaster tutorial section for Installing a Game System.
Backward Compatibility
If you need to maintain backward compatibility with older Foundry releases before version 11, we recommend using the Foundry Version 9 installation package. Be aware that the Version 9 package is for ACKS (original) and will not contain any updated content for ACKS II.
To install and use this system, paste one of the following installation URLs into the Install System dialog of the Setup menu inside the Foundry application.
For this Foundry Version |
Use this Installation URL (or the list at the bottom of the page) |
The Forge hosting service | Visit the ACKS II page on Forge and click the Install button https://forge-vtt.com/bazaar/package/acks |
Self-Hosted Latest Version 12 | https://github.com/AutarchLLC/foundryvtt-acks-core/releases/download/12.2.3/system.json |
Version 12 Version 11 |
https://github.com/AutarchLLC/foundryvtt-acks-core/releases/download/12.1.0/system.json |
Version 10 | Unknown. Recommend staying at Version 9 or else updating to Version 11. |
Version 9 | https://github.com/thehappyanarchist/foundryacks/raw/master/src/system.json |
Version 7 | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thehappyanarchist/foundryacks/master/7.5/system.json |
Manual Installation (Advanced Users)
If you wish to manually install the system, you must clone or extract it into the foundry "/data/systems/acks" folder. You may do this by cloning the repository /src folder or downloading and extracting the zip archive available from GitHub on the ACKS II GitHub page.
Community Contribution
Code and content contributions are accepted under the terms of the Autarch Individual Contribution License.
Please feel free to submit issues to the issue tracker or submit merge requests for code changes.
Merge requests should pass code review and (if necessary) design review by ArcanistWill. Please reach out on the Autarch Discord in the "acks-vtt-collaboration" channel with any questions.
Autarch thanks the many contributors to the ACKS VTT module, both the current ACKS II module and the original ACKS module.
- Uberwald for the ACKS II feature development work and upgrades to Foundry v11 and v12. https://www.uberwald.me/
- ArcanistWill for defining the roadmap, and removing (and occasionally adding) roadblocks.
- TheHappyAnarchist for all the hard work on the ACKS VTT module.
- Bobloblah for laying the foundation of the ACKS compendium! He put in an enormous effort, all to save judges tons of work in getting their campaigns started.
- Olle Skogren for contributing the Investment Vagary tables from AXIOMS 3.
- Azarvel for his exhaustive work updating to Foundry v9.
This system is offered and may be used under the terms of the Simulationist Adventure Game Authorization (SAGA) License v1.0, the Autarch Compatibility License, and the Autarch Community Use Guidelines.
This code is modified from a fork of the v1.0 code of the Old School Essentials System written by U~Man, and released under the GNUv3 license. The software source of this system is also distributed under the GNUv3 license and is considered open source.
Autarch, Adventurer Conqueror King, Adventurer Conqueror King System, ACKS, ACKS II, and Imperial Imprint are trademarks of Autarch LLC. You may find further information about the system at autarch.co. Auran Empire is trademark Alexander Macris.
Weapon quality icons, and the Treasure chest are from Rexxard, and came with the Old School Essentials System for Foundry VTT (Unofficial) by U~man which can be found at https://gitlab.com/mesfoliesludiques/foundryvtt-ose. Other icons used in the compendium are distributed under the Creative Commons 3.0 BY license and are available on https://game-icons.net. A list of icon authors and contributors for that project can be found on the website, or at https://game-icons.net/about.html#authors. Monster Tokens in the bundled ACKS Monsters Compendium are from the Free Token pack from Devin's Token Site and are made by Devin Night https://immortalnights.com/tokensite/. Other icons in the compendium are by Bobloblah or The Happy Anarchist. Map of the Auran Empire (default setting of ACKS) by The Happy Anarchist.