
User Registration

Foundry Virtual Tabletop Account Registration

Register Using Patreon

You can link your account to Patreon as part of the user registration process which will automatically populate the below fields of the registration form. Click the button below to register using Patreon.

Register with Patreon

Patreon linking is not required. You can easily link your account later through your User Profile if you do not want to register with Patreon at this time.

Register User Account

Fill out the registration form below to create an account.

Your user name must be between 3 and 32 lower-case alphanumeric English characters. No spaces are allowed, but you may include hyphens to separate multiple terms. Your user name will be publicly visible and is used in the URL of your user profile. Your username can not be changed once it is created, so choose carefully.
Your display name customizes how your persona is displayed on the site. It may be different from your username and may include additional characters which are not allowed in a username. Also unlike your user name, you may change your display name as frequently as once every six months if you desire.
Your email address is used to uniquely identify your account and to receive occasional notifications or correspondence from site administrators. Your email address is not publicly displayed.
Please re-enter your email address to verify that it has been entered correctly.
  • Your password can’t be too similar to your other personal information.
  • Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Your password can’t be a commonly used password.
  • Your password can’t be entirely numeric.
Enter the same password as before, for verification.