
How to Reset Foundry User Passwords

If a Player (or a GM!) enters an incorrect password when attempting to enter a World from the World Login screen, the following error message displays:

Invalid password provided for {username}!

Thankfully, there are several easy ways to fix this problem.

No Password, No Problem

If you or another User are having trouble logging in, first just try entering a blank password.

Because there is no password set by default when a new User is created (including the default, automatically created Gamemaster account), you can often log in successfully this way.

How to Reset Another User's Password

If a GM-level User can log into a World, they can easily set a new password for any other User.

  1. Launch the World and join it as a GM-level User
  2. Open the Settings sidebar by clicking the Gear icon (located all the way at the end)
  3. In the User Management screen that displays, clear out the previous password or enter a new one.

How to Reset All User Passwords for a World

If no GM-level user can enter the World, someone with access to the Setup screen can clear all passwords for the World so that you can log in again.

Resetting all User passwords for a World
Resetting all User passwords for a World
  1. On the Setup screen, find the World that you cannot access, right-click it, and then select Edit World
  2. In the Edit World dialog that displays, check the Reset User Passwords box
  3. Click Update World

Now, the next time you launch the World, all Users will be able to log in just by entering a blank password. After clearing passwords in this way, be sure to set a new password for your Gamemaster account and any other user accounts that you'd like to be secured as soon as possible.

Foundry VTT also uses a server Administrator password to control access to the Setup screen. For instructions on how to reset an Administrator password, please see this article instead.