
Release 0.2.8

Version 2 Development

April 25, 2019

Beta 0.2.8 Update Notes

Greetings friends and supporters! I'm really excited to share another Foundry Virtual Tabletop beta release 0.2.8. This update continues to focus on some core software stability and flexibility improvements. The two major improvements in this version are a Module Management interface which gives Game-Masters control over which modules are used on a per-world basis and a new Scene setting to disable Fog of War for certain areas where you don't want players to be able to track previously explored locations. This update also includes a lot of nice core software and API investments which I hope will continue empowering community contributions.

I'm really excited about the continued progress for this software and motivated by the support and encouragement of the community. Thank you all for appreciating my work, providing thoughtful feedback, and encouraging me to do even more. As always, please keep an eye on the development progress board here for visibility into what features are in progress and coming up next!

New Features

Core Bug Fixes

Core Software, APIs, and Module Development

D&D5e System Improvements